Elon Musk is using the Twitter Files to discredit foes and push conspiracy theories

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Elon Musk's claims about the so-called 'Twitter Files' are over-hyped and largely corroborate what was already known about the company's moderation, experts say. Here's what they show.

Hannah McKay/Pool/Getty Imageson the Twitter Files, saying the company had made errors in how it approached content moderation.

He said he wished the internal files had been"released Wikileaks-style, with many more eyes and interpretations to consider." He added:"There's nothing to hide ... only a lot to learn from."DiResta said there's good reason to demand more insight into how social media companies operate."Often these decisions are quite inscrutable," she said.

"Twitter is a global platform. Twitter's moderation policies have to apply at a global level," she said. "There's value in what's been revealed to the public, but at the same time, it is primarily reinforcing a perception in large part based on your pre-existing opinions as partisan individuals within the United States," DiResta said.For many conservatives and Musk fans, the existence of these internal discussions is itself a smoking gun.


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State-funded propaganda from NPR

draai417 NPR sucks they should be defunded. It’s obvious they’re hard-core left-wing which is fine except that it’s paid for by taxpayers. Another sneaky trick from the liberals we’re paying for left-wing advertising.

draai417 the ducking fbi is carry water for dems to throw elections. it’s way under-hyped. you ppl sold your soul bc trump triggered you so hard.

NPR sheep food.

If that were true, you wouldn’t have to gaslight everyone with a whole article about it. So thankful for Elon.

all things considered... Mentira

Be careful about what you report, remember how you are funded and your bias could jeopardize your existence.

I'm curious whether this is less 'conspiracy' among Twitter employees & more a natural result of how companies hire. Emplyee referrals have higher ROI but you end up with employees w/ similar world views. For most industries this won't matter, but it would for social media ones?

I realize that you’re govt funded, (Democrat Party), but you are in direct conflict on many points, including your glossing over the feds communication with Twitter prior to the laptop story saying it’s Russian disinfo, which was in the Feds custody. You have no credibility!

Defund NPR.

This is awful, NPR. Blatantly partisan.

Experts? Did you get your source from Dem activists?

This news is huge and npr shows up gaslighting it as nothing big. Lol only time will tell huh y’all 🤡

Read... we don't like facts therefore conspiracy

“Experts say” 🙄

Your Dem masters appreciate this article.

is this your opinion reporting or an unbiased reporting of the news? The NPR piece reads like an opinion and should be flagged that way. Regardless of what is proven, the TwitterFiles6 are newsworthy. There is more to learn here. Try to do better


Oh 'experts say'. Glad we get to hear from the 'experts' again. I am an on-line safety expert and NPR has this completely wrong.

It has nothing to do with Elon Musk's claims. The files are about the documented shenanigans. It is the evidence that discredits the feds, legacy media and dems. It also shows that conspiracy theories are only theories until they are true. was wrong.

Defund NPR.

You guys are neck deep, too. Too bad you burned your credibility.

Alternate headline: Is Using Its Government-Funded Clout to Carry Water For Democrats.

Simple, flat out lie by NPR and their in-house 'experts'.

'Experts Say'. Now I know it's bullshit.

Sounds like your DNC supporting behinds are trying to get ahead of your guilt in Elon's reveal. Shouldn't you come clean, be honest for once, and admit that you are political organization being illegally funded by taxpayer dollars? Or at least change your name to include the DNC

Is this hyped like the Russian disinformation about the Hunter Biden laptop? NPR has no credibility on anything with any connection to politics.

I heard an NPR interview last week of a guy talking about how men are being laid waste. The NPR host let him talk. After years and years of you pathological liars flooded the airwaves with total trash, NOW you want to care about men's issues? After denying them for a decade?

'experts say' I find a great irony in the idea that they are meaningless because we already knew it was happening. LOL

'Experts' who? Lol

The 'journalists' at NPR are garbage left wing hacks.

FALSE - read the TWITTER FILES ... and realize how corrupt NPR is.

'experts say' 🤡

Experts say DefundNPR

-Cooperation between government and Twitter to censor conservatives is a conspiracy theory. -Ok, government and Twitter actually did conspire to censor conservatives, but it’s not a big deal. -Everyone knew this, even though we claimed it was a conspiracy theory. Old news.

NPR Journalismists arriving at work-

Can't wait for the elonFiles

Do you ever get tired carrying the Democrats water?

I would think that the company in control deleting information in order to affect elections have violated some sort of fair election laws. The most popular messaging service should be subject to the same rules as radio or tv during an election.

Why do we pay you guys again?

I have never seen such dishonest intellectual cowards like you folks. It’s sad, actually.

So to guys admit you knew about the extent of the corruption within twitter moderation teams and you didn't say a word a d supported it? That's gonna be a bad look for you. I hope you realize that

And the 2022 Award For Best Leftist-Orwellian Political Propaganda Goes To...NPR For Its Deception, Censorship, and Anti-Free Speech Sponsorship! Hooray!

'Experts say' 🤡🤡🤡

So if you knew back then Twitter was in collusion with FBI and White House to censor orgs and people why didn't you report on that?

Are these the same 'experts' who told you the Hunter laptop story was 'Russian disinformation,' you filthy G-ddamned hacks?

'Claims?' What 'claims?' -- see how I used quotation marks? You should try it sometime. Like just quote the guy, like real journalists instead of weaving illusions. You all need to realize English majors tend to be average intellects. You're not bring enough to fool half of us

Hey Siri: Why can't NPR survive on it's own? Siri: That would take them having employees capable of integrity.

How to lie and say it’s misinformation DefundNPR

LIES....This is all just Bullsh!t propaganda.

Taxpayer funded Democratic PR firm. Pitiful.

Are taxpayers still partially funding your misinformation NPR? Your bias is showing daily. You hide stories that make Dems look bad. You highlight stories that make Republicans look bad. I turned you off after realizing your Russia stories were a hoax.

Defund NPR.

how much does your CEO get paid again?

Another comments section bashing the trash heap formerly known as “news”. I love it. NPR’s support is plummeting by the month. People are becoming hip to that jive.

Yes, NPR, FBI collusion with big tech leftists intended to shape upcoming elections… …nothing to see here. Old news. Right? You communist clowns are pathetic.

Defund NPR.

BREAKING: Declares Itself as the new Media arm of the DNC after elonmusk takeover of Twitter cuts off DNC Control of propaganda machine - Experts say 😂🤣😂 🍿🥤

Disingenuous deflection. If you want to restore your image be impartial and report the news not your feelings.

You are over-hyped as a legitimate news agency. So biased and obviously a propagandist arm of the Democratic party

I listen to and read NPR all the time and generally, you are great, but I can’t believe that NPR would post something like this as “news” without specifying it is editorial/opinion. Disgusting excuse for “journalism” and abuse of funding.

NPR exists off of taxpayer largesse so if the government wants to partner with social media companies to censor the truth and groups of citizens it's fine with them.

Pffft, nonsense. Now we're finding out Twitter was using all forms of intelligence agents as employees, & not just limited to the United States. It sure as hell hasn't been 'over-hyped'. I think elonmusk is saving some of the biggest surprises for last! You guys are in a panic!

NPR running smoke screens for former Twitter leadership. Defund NPR!

Shannon Bond follows Jimmy Dore's script

NPR is using tax payer funds to act as a media arm for the DNC. It is propaganda defined.

Would you say AOC overhypes stuff? Remember her video saying Elon blocked her and all her drama? Talk about overhype.

We knew those hyped conspiracies were not hyped conspiracies. And your hyped conspiracies are better then their hyped conspiracies. Win Win

Thank you . Musk and his Twitter narcissism is the prime example of why we need to TaxTheRich

NPR is misinformation.

The corroboration is important, because many news outlets were claiming it’s just a conspiracy theory. Now we all know it’s true.

Over hyped? JFC.

Headline: Legacy media continues to pretend that they are not in competition with social media, Twitter in particular, while they continue their slide into niche narrowcasting. I need a copy editor to dumb down that headline for me. Also should think about who is losing. LNPR?

Shame on NPR for running cover for those that would suppress peoples 1st amendment rights. We are talking about fundamental rights being callously restricted along political lines. Extremely dangerous behavior and NPR is supporting that.

Ew, gross. NPR advocates for child pornography. Elon exposed Twitters head of safety Yoel Roth. Yoel Roth advocated fir dating sites to allow underage gay children to use their sites for sex. NPR is trying to protect predators!!! Gross!!!

Defund NPR

By completely inverting 's assertions we come to the truth. It's not just a post-truth world for NPR, it's an anti-truth world.

Well from all the bro tears on this thread you would think NPR just talked smack about their momma. Nope the Twitter Files and the lack of anyone caring got them bots crying for attention😭😂

shannonpareil this story has so many flat out lies in it, you should be embarrassed. You people are trash.

NPR and all the clowns that work there should be out of work.

It’s a nice change to read those files for ourselves and make up our own minds under elonmusk , which we didn’t have the opportunity to do, under jack.

Elon Musk is deliberately cultivating extreme far right audiences with misinformations and lies.

, a taxpayer funded liberal hit rag communistic opinion piece supported by the same people they profess to hate and despise-hard working Americans?

Do I really know what ELON MUSK WILL DO NEXT , NO ! but I don’t think it’s a good idea too have this man in charge of Tweeter ,he Owens it but 🤷‍♂️ he can cause so much harassment on the platform that it will drive most people away from it , 💭💬 which is not a bad thing .

Can anyone tell my how NPR has 8.8 million followers on here but doesn't break 100 likes on most of their posts. Almost never breaks 1000. That's some terrible engagement stats. I wonder if it's because of posts like this one.

Downplaying it much?

The government controlling media is against our bill of rights.

Who are the fucking 'experts'? What are their names and what are they 'experts' of? I am so sick of pundits using the word of fake experts to push propaganda and pretending it's news. If the Twitter files are a nothing burger just post a link so people can see for themselves.

Says the propaganda news publication


Are those the same experts who said Hunter Bidens laptop was Russian disinformation


You guys would try to downplay a nuke going off. 'Hundreds of thousands get free tanning memberships at no charge!'

Is there 'news' for smart people? Is there smart people?

I’m surprised npr doesn’t approve of free speech. That they take the word of “someone” who knows something that Musk’s violent words caused some Twit leaders to run for their lives (ie; threats). That they don’t care that Twit leaders met weekly with the government FBI.

Oh? Are you covering for pedos now? Not surprised. It's a big club.

“Experts say” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

NPR....🤣...you've become a joke


Who are your “experts”?

How are they conspiracy theories if they collaborate what was already known.

You’re really good at conspiracy theories. No need to discredit Elon for posting facts.

It's very sad that all these people are only now, after these years, learning how terms of service work.

But they aren’t…once again you show how truly trash you are

Fake news

everyone should read the files raw without going through biased media like npr

You sound vaccinated

Garbage reporting npr. You used to be one of my favorites. Time to defund you.

Can't wait for the next drip

Well written

Damn. I thought you guys were the “unbiased” news source. Well, that was 10 years ago admittedly. Yet, here you are on Elon’s Twitter bitching about it. And no, they weren’t over hyped. Most of us are glad to know the truth. And we were right all along.

A totally unbiased report from a totally unbiased news organization 🙄

I rely on you to be middle of the road and non biased. Please do that.

Yes, we knew it was going on, that is correct. Yet the left was calling it a conspiracy theory. As they always do. Twitter was denying they did it. Lied to congress. But you're trying to make Elon the bad guy. Lol.. DefundNPR

What is the NPR such and 'experts'.

NPR N eoliberal P ropaganda R eporting

This is laughable. Go back under your rock with your government subsidies

Impartial “Experts” consulted by for this article.

Publishing the actual words of people is conspiracy? It’s literally NPRs job to publish quotes instead of journo-opinioning.

What twist…lol. No, that’s not what he’s doing. Why are you so afraid of free speech and open discussion? And why would you make up a story to push your narrative? Very suspicious.

NPR has soled out to the Woke Cult, pushing their lies and insanity and abandoning reason. They will follow CMN and the WaPo down the toilet.

“no GOVerNmEnT inVOlveMenT!!!”

daily reminder that all corporate news outlets are propaganda

This is classic wokeism.First deny till evidence comes out, then down play and finally discredit the leaker if its not their side, reverse the playbook if the leaker is left wing..SAD

NPR is using 'Twitter Files' to discredit foes

Read I24 news article dec 6th 2022 & read the”twitter files your self , dont b lazy & ignorant and rely on a partisan so called news org like NPR which should b defunded & has outlived the original justification for its governent funding

“nO GOvERnMEnT inVolVEmENt!!”

“nO GoVeRNmeNT inVolVEMeNT!”

“No GOvErnMenT iNvOLVEMeNT!”

it's fun watching MSM meltdown in real time...so many of us are going to enjoy this while many of you hit the unemployment line because of dwindling readership.


NPR is trash experts say.

You’re right about one thing. It was already known that one political side was being suppressed.

Ignoredism The movement of moving on without a flinch. You just took an Ignoredism

NPR is a damn clown show. Don't take our tax money and then act so stupid! You are just another schill for the Democrats! Please go away!

Way to downplay this. Wow. You’re entire news agency isn’t to be trusted.

The partisanship reflected in your article is another justification to defund NPR, ppl should read the “twitter files” themselves than listen to a partisan hack like NPR, they should also look up I24s article on it.

It’s interesting. The people who think they are the smartest in the room are also the most closed-minded

So the argument is - Um, everybody already knew that our tyrannical govt colluded w/ Twitter to suppress the exchange of information, nothingburher… or something. Ok, got it.

Read your article, you forgot to mention all the meetings the FBI had w/twitter to warn of a lot of poss. Russian disinformation, and Dem&white house agents constantly calling to influence who was censored.I24 news had a good article which is much more objective than yours

is utterly garbage

Your “experts” sound like 6 year olds because even JACK said he didn’t know the TRUTH. Now, give me my tax money back & bounce off of twitter 🙄

Gaslight much? Anything else you wanna make up fairy tale stories about?

National Propaganda Reporting hard at it again!

Of course you discredit bc you’re a leftist company. It’s really disheartening for a tax funded entity to be so bias.

Is your “experts” conclusion that it was known that Trump was impeached for inquiring about the Biden family corruption; the same Biden corruption that Twitter suppressed to influence an election?

Aww is some 'News' agency a whittle scared that their Propaganda is at risk?


Mark of the lie


Government officials colluding and conspiring to silence the voices of American citizens is a first amendment violation, anyone denying that is lying.

NPR the same organization that intentionally chose not to report on the Hunter Biden laptop story thinks they have any credibility to criticize anyone. Clowns.


NPR acting like they're still a real news outlet two years after selling out.

Ummm… really NPR? This is the headline you are going with? FFS, EVERY “conspiracy theory” is proving TRUE!!! You really need to wake up and realize we ain’t putting up with your crap anymore!!!

It only feels that way to you because Twitter before Musk filtered out ANY opposing views & comments to your woke nonsense giving you the false appearance of overwhelming support & sentiment.

Experts? What experts? 🤡

Intellectually dishonest NPR

'Experts say'

Experts say! Those dang experts. Don't worry about Musk showing us the actual dialouge n the corruption. Stay tuned to those NPR experts! What a joke and it's a great time to be alive to see the NPR's of the world lose their credability, while acting like a fool.

Experts my ass. This is the fake news technique you clowns use all the time. NPR is a disgrace.

By releasing the actual conversations and dialogue, without commentary? 🤡 World

You called it a 'conspiracy theory' for YEARS!!!! Now you claim, 'everyone already knew'. How are you still funded?

NPR = National Pedo Ring. What’s matter can’t push your agenda anymore?

So, you are for the silencing of opposing opinions and completely covering up factual stories, if it benefits the guy you like? We already knew this!

'Experts say' In other words this looks really bad, so here's something for the not so bright folks to believe so they don't realize the truth.

you guys are the biggest 🤡s ever

We Americans want you defunded

This sounds like a conspiracy theory by . Your organization is trash.

What a crock of horseshit!? 'Experts' are in fact deflecting the truth on behalf of the corruption. The FBI may have violated the First Amendment by asking Twitter to moderate Conservative speech. Big tech in collusion with Biden!? Give me a break... BUSTED!

National Propaganda Radio

Translation: is panicking about losing its “grip”. Attempting to deflect.

He's literally posting their own words. You democrats have a hard time with that.

Elon learning how social media works isn’t really newsworthy, but I’m glad NPR is giving him the attention he needs to thrive.

Good lord, doyou at NPR, a government funded organization, ever tell the other side?


elonmusk is such a spoiled, bratty rich punk.

imagine this headline if trump was using Twitter to censor liberals you guys are the worst. DefundNPR

'So-called' news organization NPR aided in 'so-called' reporting that the Hunter Biden laptop is fake, and that Trump organized a riot on Jan6! LOL Any more fake news you wish to excrete out of your rear ends? DO NOT REPORT ON THE CONTENTS OF FILES, SHOOT MESSENGER. propaganda

How very predictable, NPR. This is all a conspiracy! Oh, it actually happened? Well, then it’s old news nobody needs to hear again.

What the Twitter Files are revealing are things you called Conspiracy Theories a short time ago.

I’m ashamed of ever having trusted you.

This story is a pitiful set of half-truths. The files show Trump was banned even though he didn't actually break any rules. They had to say 'I will not attend the inauguration' was an incitement to attack it - just bonkers stuff


It is sad (to me) that NPR is so incredibly biased.

NPR mentions that the Hunter story caused the NYPost to be suspended for a short while, like that’s no big deal. NPR leaves off that it was the final 2 weeks of October, during early voting just before the election. That’s like a ref “only”making bad calls in the final minute.

So really true. I even get a sniff of libertarian or freedom party crap I block then..

Overly 'speculated' you mean? Because they kept denying it. Please clarify.

For those paying attention Twitterfiles is exposing that government security agencies and private corporation are collaborating. Fascism

NPR wants to discredit Musk because he is exposing the type of biased corrupt journalism that NPR used in the Hunter Biden Coverup. NPR loves election interference if it helps their candidate.

NPR is misinformation

“Experts say” keep pushing the propaganda, I look forward to the day when we have a Congress and president will defund your asses.

Still doesn’t make it right. People need to roast

Gaslighting at its finest. DefundNPR

Yeah experts. Experts say DefundNPR

No one believes NPR. You ruined any credibility you might have had long ago.

I disagree with the narrative in this story. :)

What I've learned over the last 2 years is that if the media is calling it a 'conspiracy theory'... it's probably true

I could have told you that two weeks ago


If it was only stuff that was already known, y'all wouldn't be sweating so hard to bury and downplay it.

This article, which is written to down play conspiracies, seems to be missing the actual tweets elonmusk released for us to read… discerning factual evidence is what a free society have the right to know, informed citizens👍🏼 “free press” = truth/facts Wouldn’t you agree?

Imagine what the headlies would be if this was Zuck releasing information on suppressed Trump laptop story. There would a BOMBSHELL reporting headlines all day long. NPR is garbage.

OMG you are running damage control? Have you no shame?

I thought FOX had stopped foaming at the mouth about 'Twitter files'. Much ado and nothing there. I'll take NPR any day over a gossip social outlet.

I think they like many other ppl and corporations are being either threatened or killed to have people behind stupid ass ideas

Conveniently fail to report on the Biden Campaign, FBI and Michelle Obama pushing Twitter staff to block and take down posts. That is the bombshell- Government and political interference by the Democrats targeting conservatives. fakenews defundNPR

What? 😂

Twitter is now more reliable than your economical networks. You are just the one of rumor spreader like CNN.

Thank you for telling me what to think instead of reporting the news.

'...what was already known about the company's moderation...' You mean policies Twitter execs denied in front of Congress?

your bias is showing

Actually, revelations of the criminal activity were shocking, and verify, in spades, what many suspected. Perhaps NPR should wait for the remaining revelations before they embarrass themselves.

Old Twitter leaders and employees deliberately allowed ethnic cleansing tweets on TigrayGenocide that took the lives of 500k. You can't tell me this is a conspiracy theory. Elon Musk should be credited for exposing this & firing those EVILS

“Experts say” is becoming such a bullshit term lmao

why does NPR support censorship? users should get them right from the source without spin here TwitterFiles

And NPR is lying again.

npr What evidence do you have that shadowbanning did not happen at Twitter? Internal messages reveal this was happening. jack said it wasn’t, when there is proof it was happening. No evidence to disprove the shadowbanning has been provided in your BS article. elonmusk

The NPR leftist propaganda machine firing up.

npr is a day late and a dollar short, as usual. Nothing original.

Must slam anyone who speaks against your corporate overloards?

HONK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤡

Npr making excuses for fascism again.

Do you totalitarians NOT SEE THE PROBLEM here?! This is unprecedented: privately owned and controlled social media companies can literally control half the countries opinion and thus control elections for the nation, secretly, acting as campaigns arms for political purposes!

I used to listen to Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me, be even the lighthearted programming became a left leaning political forum.

REALLY?! Secretly using censorship to brainwash one billion American citizen viewpoints, thus changing the course of an election, isn't news? Activists de-platforming a sitting President (no matter how disgusting), when he didn't break policy isn't news? Have you you read 1984?

Elon is desperately trying to drive more Twitter traffic by stirring controversy

‘Experts say’; The go to crutch for the Journos rushing in to prop up the narrative.

He should write an autobiography. How I Imploded My Businesses, Lost Billions and Trashed My Reputation in Under Six Months.

'Twitter files' in quotes like they're potentially not real. NPR is pathetic.

Why should we learn about them through when we can read them ourselves and form our own opinions? elonmusk

Nice dishonest headline from just another biased propaganda source. npr: No journalism, but plenty of gaslighting.

Peak . Clearly biased in your reporting . Shows you were probably in on it taking orders from the dnc. What a rag.

FSansarricq Npr is fake news hacks hiding the truth. It shows FBI DOJ & tech companies conspiracy to sensor speech democrats don't like & want to hide. Just so they can place corrupt liar plagiarist illegitimate tax cheater trafficker 10% + in our WH. Anyone who doesn't see it is stupid

You should exercise caution when saying this is over-hyped. Elon does things strategically. He likely is releasing the less appalling stuff first to get the left to downplay it, then will drop the hammer and make them all look stupid. Classic troll move🍿

Does anyone want to see files from inside USC about GeorgeTyndall and the follow-up from the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights Resolution Agreement to resolve the victims claims? There was some try there, but not all love exactly:

I'm so glad you missed your fundraising goals this quarter

So everyone already new that big tech, mainstream media, FBI and the democrats colluded to censor the Hunter Biden laptop which swayed the 2020 election to the Biden crime family? 🤔🤦‍♂️

Sure NPR

Elon is playing to an audience and trying to increase Twitter usage by a large audience that maybe doesn’t use it or left when trump left:the right wing. He’s a snake oil salesman

Desperate headlines can't fix those budget shortfalls npr

NPR is a joke

Enjoy the ratio. National propaganda isn't even trying these days.

There was definitely a conspiracy. Twitter execs conspired with the DNC and government agencies to suppress the truth vis-à-vis Hunter Biden’s collaboration with the Chinese and Ukrainians. It changed the course of an election. This is fact.

This NPR tweet is reminiscent of their 'we're not going to waste your time with Hunter Biden laptop stories.' 'Trust in the news media is at an all-time low' Gee, wonder why? What is causing this lack of trust in news media? As an aside, one gallon of water weighs 8.3 lbs.

Well when controlling media fits your propaganda your good with it, but when truth comes out, there is a fictional story of Russian influence, and fear propaganda could change outcomes, and beliefs.

This is false, MSM doesn't want people looking at the files. Here is a link to Taibbi, The Twitter Files

Yah, right.

Musk is a chip off the trump block

Twitter Files Part 86: elonmusk is a self proclaimed “Free Speech Absolutionist” until accounts post negative comments about him. Then they get permanently banned. Cc elonjet elonbooed

Deploy the NPR smokescreen!!! Also, Try to stay awake when you read the article. Imagine the article being read in the hushed voice and smooth tones of a public radio station host. I didn't make it through the article before nodding off.

National Propaganda Radio Your time is almost up.

Somewhat accurate, somewhat not. The extent of the 'visibility filtering / shadowbanning' was not as well known until the TwitterFiles dropped. Yes, it was known that this occurred, but many others (typically on the left) claimed this was a conspiracy theory. it wasn't.

It was already known... by conservatives and liberals who pay attention. The MSM and their npc's call it a baseless, debunked conspiracy theory. It shows that not only was the MSM lying, but that the fed gov, is in fact, colluding with big tech to censor, boost, and manipulate

Your credibility

Better go get your them

Can you list your experts please. 😂

July of 18. “People are asking us if we shadow ban. We do not.”

Taxpayer funded media says 'nothing to see here'

Just nonsense, npr.

ex-pert noun 1. a person, almost always an academic without real-world, hands-on experience, whom news outlets employ to give credence to their biases. 2. an authority figure who says what you want to hear, relieving the obligation to think for yourself.


shannonpareil what's your agenda?

Ooooo the “experts” have spoken. Everybody shut up. NPR is as guilty as any so-called news organizations.

You're serious propagandists!

Anyone else think NPR is just bitter because Twitter is a more reliable news source than they are?

The dude is such a narcissistic diva

Experts say? LOL

How about do honest news and stop lying.

Came here to mock this cope and the DNC perverts who are still very mad Musk banned the pedos

WOW! 'Noting to see here! Move along!' They show the government was infringing on First Amendment rights for political gain. They show media and the Democratic Party were colluding with the government as they did it. Guilty conscience?

Twitter file experts? Where can I sign up for that job?

Ha! Elon😛

And here come the stans and trolls.

After your absurd and corrupt take on the Hunter Biden story, it’s impossible to take anything you say or report seriously.

Even his conspiracies are .... boring. At least that is an accurate name for his business.

Elon Musk: Unhinged . Dangerous . Deranged

Correction: 'Musk is lying to smear opponents, and giving fodder to the RW echo chamber, which doesn't concern itself with facts anyway'

Again, giving cover to democrats

And you wonder why most Americans don’t like you.

National Propaganda Radio A wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC

“So called” don’t even need to read your crap to know it’s bias junk. People, you don’t need NPR to tell you what to think. Read them yourself.

Trump 2

Previous owner has openly admitted wrong doings. Elon has let the bird free

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