Minimum wage is going up in 23 states in 2023: See the full list

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These are the states raising minimum wage in 2023 — see the full list and adjusted rates

The rate hikes are the result of a variety of factors, including inflation, state legislation, and ballot measures. They will benefit women and workers of color most, as noted byAs a result of the boosts, two states will reach the $15-an-hour minimum for the first time, a salary floor that activist groups like Fight For $15 have pushed for heavily in recent years.

With the help of activist efforts and legislators, states and cities have been working independently to increase rates as the federal minimum wage stagnates at $7.25 — an amount that hasn't risen in 13 years. While many of the adjusted rates will be effective starting Jan. 1, others come into effect later, according to a report from the

Here's the full list of states increasing minimum wage and the new rates coming in 2023, according to NELP data:


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C'est un minimum que les gens profitent un peu de l'hélicoptère money.

Can't wait for all the robots

I feel bad for those in Michigan... They hardly have a rise at all...

I will translate arabic to english, english to arabic, english to arabic translation 👉

Most neighboring states raising wages. Meanwhile IAGovernor is hellbent on sticking it to the working poor, prohibiting even individual counties from doing so.

Wisconsin used to be a progressive leader in labor and so many other policies that improved life, but under gerrymandered wisgop control have slumped into the basket of backwards right wing states including on livable minimumwage Medicaid expansion, publictransit

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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