The shelves at St. Nix Collectibles, Toys & Antiques in Longmont are packed right now, but not for long.This is all after what they thought was a Christmas miracle turned bad."He said,"I do a motorcycle toy drive, a Toys for Tots thing,"" Miskel recalled."Then he came up to the counter and was like,"I want one of everything.""After a few failed attempts to charge the customer's debit card, he eventually gave a personal check for around $56,000.
"We missed out. Nobody's looking to buy stuff now. And now, we have twice as much as we did before, because we had filled the store about 60% after we had cleared it all out," said Miskel."We have stuff on top of stuff and no sales." "We just want people to know that this happened. This can happen to anybody else. He could have gone in anybody else's business and done this. And it's not right," said Miskel.
"Probably some poor decisions on our end by not going off the declined card and just putting too much trust. But I guess we were just excited, you know, as anybody would be. $56,000 is a lot to most people," said Miskel.