Man killed at home in rural town before cops arrest two including woman

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Business Business Headlines News

A MURDER probe is underway after a man was killed at a home in a rural market town. Cops were called to a residential property in Wellington, Shropshire, shortly before 8.30am this morning. The man…

A MURDER probe is underway after a man was killed at a home in a rural market town.

Cops were called to a residential property in Wellington, Shropshire, shortly before 8.30am this morning.The man was found fighting for his life and despite efforts from paramedics, he was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after.The pair remain in custody, cops said. Detective Inspector Mark Newbury said: “Our thoughts and sympathies go out to the man’s family.

"We have notified them of what has happened and specialist officers will be providing them with support as they try to come to terms with today’s tragic news. “We are working hard to fully establish the circumstances of what has happened, but at this very early stage we believe this is likely to be an isolated incident.“People living in the area can expect to see an increased police presence over the coming days while we conduct enquiries at the scene and carry out extra reassurance patrols in the area.

“While incidents of this nature are incredibly rare in Wellington, we fully appreciate today’s events will cause concern within the community.


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