Some emigrants have opted to cease tax residency in South Africa to avoid any further tax obligationsSome emigrants have opted to cease tax residency in South Africa to avoid any further tax obligations
About 6 000 South Africans emigrated from the country last year in search of better job prospects in other countries. And some are highly skilled individuals who contribute immensely to the country’s tax revenue. And a proposed wealth tax is expected to also drive people out of the country as they try to avoid a high tax burden.And analysts believe that this number is likely to dwindle if more taxpayers leave the country.
Oh, surprise surprise
This is what our government wanted... open borders, increased crime. Anybody in their right mind, who can afford to leave this country, will do so. No water, no electricity, rising prices...
By now Everyone has one or more family members that left for good.
meeste van ons fok of hier uit met ons geld voor anc dit vat wat ons jare voor gewerk het so kyk waar gaan julle nog mense kry wat die land op hou nerens