Labor super tax to hurt mothers and self-employed, Treasury analysis finds | Sky News Australia

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Mothers returning to work from maternity leave and the self-employed would be the hardest hit under Labor's proposed changes to the superannuation tax, new Treasury analysis has revealed.


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Birmo billshortenmp Oh I guess the troops will line up to repeat the same story .ItsLaborsfault

Birmo billshortenmp “16” retweets, 3 votes of confidence short of an Anning neonazi bogan. Birmo better line up them 27 job interviews per week, otherwise no lifetime pension tax free imputation perks for him & frydenberg & scomo & pyne & Bishop & Corman... Michaelia Cash... Barnaby LnpFail

Birmo billshortenmp History states otherwise. Try broadcasting the truth for a chage, Sky News....

Birmo billshortenmp I am so sick of hear the LNP mob speak like this. It is not WORKING!

Birmo billshortenmp Yet another Lie

Birmo billshortenmp Liberals are the biggest taxing governments unless you are a big business or rich.

Birmo billshortenmp Both your organization and the Libs are showing the whites of your eyes with fear at the prospect of Labor winning.

Birmo billshortenmp Shouting Evangelical Man to crew - find a fear based negative mantra & keep chanting it.

Birmo billshortenmp Is this a news site or are you guys talking for the libs ?

GCobber99 Birmo billshortenmp Didn’t think Birmo could get uglier. I was wrong! Not just his policies. Hopeless in every portfolio he has touched

Birmo billshortenmp Can’t believe the lies that come out of their mouths no policies at all for improving the lives of ordinary working class people and those on the lower socio economic ladder are the ones that suffer the most

Birmo billshortenmp The evidence points to the contrary, with data showing Liberal governments always tax higher than Labor. Let's also remember that the last great move from Birmo was backing Pauline Hanson's white supremacy motion in th senate, so, you know, the man hardly screams credibility.

GCobber99 Birmo billshortenmp Check the facts minister, the highest taxing governments have all been LNP, Not labor.

Birmo billshortenmp A Labor government will mean harder times for Australian has always been so because the stuff up the economy. The hardship of 18% interest rates inflicted by the Keaton Labor government will be matched by Bill Shorten.

Birmo billshortenmp what a hypocrite, and the beard doesn't help.

Birmo billshortenmp And yet LNP always has a higher tax to GDP ratio. See

Birmo billshortenmp Seems to me Birmo that, as wage growth has stagnated and prices have been creeping for pretty much everything while you lot have been standing around arguing with each other for the past five years, the only way with Labor is up!

Birmo billshortenmp Well that’s good. More $$ for parks, for schools, for hospitals, for libraries, for public transport, for things that make life better for ‘quiet’ Australians.

Birmo billshortenmp The facts show differently.

Birmo billshortenmp Explain how

Birmo billshortenmp Federal government doesn’t require tax before investing in the economy MMT they spend first and tax second. This has always been the case.

Birmo billshortenmp You insult us, with every tweet. We are know where near as stupid as you believe. This is propaganda and you owe us policies of your own. Pointing fingers at the other side will not win you votes......just so you know!

Birmo billshortenmp You sure that's not Russel Coite!

Birmo billshortenmp A Liberal win will mean continuing inequality, favouring the rich, penalising the average man, more corruption and entitlement. I know which one I’ll choose.

Birmo billshortenmp Lower taxes aren’t the be all. I’d like a better Medicare, housing for homeless, increase to Newstart, fair funding for public schools, investment in science research.... You get the idea Birmo? Develop a policy! billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp Taxes =services. I am quite happy to pay. Barnaby partner fake job and top end office fitout,no.

Birmo billshortenmp More Murdoch drivel.

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp Birmo what's it feel like being a born lier and backstabber, how's it feel knifing a PM, good choice that, been down hill since, bright lot you lot. How's it going to feel being know as the worst govt ever, what a bunch of rorting vandals

Birmo billshortenmp We’d gladly pay more tax to see you fools gone!

Birmo billshortenmp U expect us to believe any crap that u throw bc why? Remember kids over board BS? I do. Remember WMD Iraq war? I do. Remember balaclava coveŕd hoons with dogs attacking MUA? I do. I cld go on with all ur lies. So, I ask again - y shld I believe the Liars Nasty Party? Hmm auspol

Birmo billshortenmp A Labor win will mean the end of this pathetic joke of a Government

Birmo billshortenmp Haven’t muppets got anything better come up with what good policies what helps Australians time to rid career politicians

Birmo billshortenmp 🙄🙄🙄🙄 FFS would yah give it a rest .. it ain’t fucking already!! look at the polls

Birmo billshortenmp Please explain the $200 billion in taxes ( give or take a $1 or two) you have allowed multinationals and your white shoe brigade mates to avoid paying in legitimate taxes

Birmo billshortenmp That's not your job. We will makeup our own minds and vote accordingly. You're biased so not a credible source of info about your opponents.

Birmo billshortenmp People are clearly afraid of that proposition, which is why the coalition got annihilated in the vic state election.

Birmo billshortenmp Thought you were better than this Simon. We just tune out as soon as you get on the “let’s bash Labor” bandwagon

Birmo billshortenmp Birmo is so overtaxed under the LNP he can't afford a razor. ...or PeterDutton_MP pinched them all.

Birmo billshortenmp Labor is owned by Soro now, Soro wants Australia to ditch being allies with America just to spite Trump. Labor will destroy Australia

Birmo billshortenmp Christ... someone let Birmo out of his wet paper bag


Birmo billshortenmp What a load of cods! I'm sure JohnWren1950 would agree,that labor more likely 2 tax the big end of town than the little people.Other way round for UR crowd of lobbyist pleasing,paper bag receiving gutter slugs.Stop lying to save your useless hides and fkoff auspol putLNPlast

Birmo billshortenmp So more services then? Good-o. auspol

Birmo billshortenmp Well at least Labor won't give $444 million to 6 people to do nothing on the Great Barrier Reef

Birmo billshortenmp If the price to be paid to kick the rorting and corrupt LiberalAus and The_Nationals shitpuppets out of government and into opposition is higher taxes, then TAKE MY MONEY!! auspol ElectionNOW kickthismobout



Birmo billshortenmp Birmo Are you trying to outdo ScottMorrisonMP with the FRUMPY look ? You’re certainly not outdoing billshortenmp with ideas. Just over 200 days left guys.

Birmo billshortenmp Bullshit

Birmo billshortenmp I hope so! We need Medicare, and TAFE to be restored, adequately public housing stock, increases to Newstart and the Age Pensionplus investment in our human capital through free tertiary education - not to mention more funding for Government schools.

Birmo billshortenmp This from the snowflakes who squealed: 'mediscare was unfair'. All they have is fear.

Birmo billshortenmp Birmingham needs to stand closer to his razor.

Birmo billshortenmp And yet 8 of the 10 highest taxing Australian governments have been Coalition ones.. your lying AGAIN Simon

Birmo billshortenmp G'day Birmhole, thought you might like some reading. Australias top 50 corporations who pay zero tax. See workers want to pay tax because we want socially responsible society, you know one that looks after people.auspol Liberals

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp

43a6f0ce5dac4ea Birmo billshortenmp We’ve all heard this song before.

Birmo billshortenmp 🐂💩more Murdoch propaganda...he should be in jail after News of The tapping...such a reputable news source. I'd believe graffiti before I'd believe sky News smut & 🐂💩

Birmo billshortenmp Rubbish

Birmo billshortenmp The same line from today's muppet. How many times do you idiots need reminding the truth is the highest taxing and highest spending party is the Lnp.

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp 🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😩🤡😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴

Birmo billshortenmp Wish he’d shave and tidy up

Birmo billshortenmp As long as they use that money to fix the NBN the current government chose to destroy, then go for it

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp if you're a Gina a Twiggy or a Rupert ..or a foreign mining corp or electricity retailer.. u r going to pay some tax.. a shock I know...but get used to it

Birmo billshortenmp Oh puh-lease .. 🙄😂

Birmo billshortenmp What has he done to his face?

Birmo billshortenmp Lose the beard.

Birmo billshortenmp Another joker from the bullshitters party... the libs Highest taxing govt HAS BEEN FROM THE LIBERAL/ NATIONAL GOVT... Fact!

Birmo billshortenmp Really is a little bit pathetic.

Birmo billshortenmp Mate you have robbed every sector for 6 years

Birmo billshortenmp Use data from the past to make predictions about the future.

Birmo billshortenmp Just here for the ratio.

Birmo billshortenmp Big spending, big taxes.

Birmo billshortenmp Sure he would say such. More taxes under labour, more boats under labour, Dutton. When's the election!

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp Looks like Birmo is preparing for his life after the election....

Birmo billshortenmp Like every member of this LNP govt, the highest taxing govt since John Winston Howard's LNP government, Birmo is lying.

Birmo billshortenmp Having failed miserably in the education portfolio it’s lovely to see Birmo doing the same across 3 other areas of govt. 😉👌🏼 auspol skyafterdark SkyLiveNow

Birmo billshortenmp whats with all the facial hair Birmo, you look like a rat with a mouth full of grass.

Birmo billshortenmp Gee if you came up with some policies as much as you mention Labor you might have something Australian’s might vote for. But you and marketing man keep shouting Labor, labor, labor! 👍👍 auspol

Birmo billshortenmp Simon Birmingham now he buggered up his previous portfolio as Education Minister. Now he is buggering up this one. How many more before he ousts Scotty and Joshy for the top job?

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp Enough with LNP lies & corruption! Come election time, voting by numbers has the best impact. Vote Liberals & Nationals LAST WHERE THEY BELONG! Also if you love animals, &/or abhor live animal export, remember to vote animaljusticeAU too! auspol lnpfail libspill

Birmo billshortenmp Numerous times every day Sky News publishes statements by LNP ministers. It is obvious they are Coalition propaganda machine. Also note that statements always attack ALP and never give any policies.

mikeaubrey2 Birmo billshortenmp More Liberal govt propaganda. You sound like the govt propaganda bureau.

Birmo billshortenmp auspol

Birmo billshortenmp What childish drivel...let's abolish taxes altogether & become another 3rd world country. .we're almost there now

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp Looks desperate & unkempt, like I do with FauxMo I didn't turn the sound on. I'm sick of the repeated lies of this Guvmint. Like, who needs to hear any more before we boot their arses to the kerb. ElectionNow auspol

Birmo billshortenmp Proof please.....or is this more BS & LNP spin

Birmo billshortenmp It's not true, but if it was, it would be worth it, just to get you current bozos 🤡 out of power. ScottMorrisonMP Birmo

Birmo billshortenmp Bla bla bla. More liblies auspol

Birmo billshortenmp Piss off Birmingham. The reason Labor have got any hope is because you Left Wing infiltrators of the Liberal Party won't allow a sensible and principled alternative to this Socialist madness. Why don't you defect to the dopes. Take Laundy, Photios and the rest with you.

Birmo billshortenmp The Liberals crystal balls are everywhere....

Birmo billshortenmp Even the attempted beard is a fail

Birmo billshortenmp as opposed to 5 years of LNP slash & burn services & payments to the most vulnerable, families, pensioners. Record low wage growth, massive power bills hitting family budgets. Fought against royal commission into banks-shocking misjudgment. Cut funding to charities like foodbank

Birmo billshortenmp If Alp where're to raise taxes to give us a better standard of living ,better than the stuff yr lot dish up, Do LNP live fools paradise with the rich who have no problem With affording services ,there has been no indication ALP raise taxes Are you making stuff up ElectionNow

Birmo billshortenmp Bill lost me at “more refugees”.

Birmo billshortenmp They can't even change their fear slogans

Birmo billshortenmp Alp mentioned nothing about raising taxes So stop making stuff up But the LNP been hell bent on lowering taxes for big business meanes less taxes for services But if the alp was to raise taxes for the good of us all I have no objection at all

Birmo billshortenmp Yes right last I have seen and felt their arms are shorter than you guys have been. Stop the spin

Birmo billshortenmp Tax to GDP has always been lower under labor.

Birmo billshortenmp Could one of the overpaid microphone stands at ask him to point out those taxes v tax rorts and the huge differences of same.

Birmo billshortenmp 😂 just call the election.

Birmo billshortenmp Paying more tax would be better than the shit your Government is giving us now

Birmo billshortenmp Presumably all the owners of the abusive replies to this will get back to us when we start paying less tax under Shorten

Birmo billshortenmp Birmo how about you stop talking utter rubbish mate and start making the top end of town pay their fair share of tax and then you may just have a leg to stand on to start talking anything about tax. electionnow calltheelection

Birmo billshortenmp Every single LNP minister has nothing to say other than the Labor Party is bad for you and your life 🤣🤣. That alone says you are doomed at the next election ScottMorrisonMP and your bunch of liars and rorters will be seeing investigations into their time in office.

Birmo billshortenmp Call an election, you’ve had 5 years the electorate is sick of listening to the TheIPA and rupertmurdoch led agendas.

Birmo billshortenmp I can no longer watch or listen to Morrison or anyone in his cabinet the persistent lies and hysterical fearmongering does nothing for rational political discourse TossToriesOut

Birmo billshortenmp I’ll be happy to see the end of this little twat soon to🥴

Birmo billshortenmp Bill will have to get wifey's permission first though.

Birmo billshortenmp

Birmo billshortenmp Stop with the False Rhetoric B.S. come up with Your Own Policies. No one is Listening

Birmo billshortenmp Blah blah blah call an election

Birmo billshortenmp Really, so what are you guys doing ... 🤦🏼‍♀️

Birmo billshortenmp Here we go folks, another clown has popped his head up with a scaremonger attempt. Whos' next, Greg Hunt, Julie Bishop, what about Mathias 'IdontusecommersorfullstopsinsentenceswhenImspeakingtothepublic Cormann.

Birmo billshortenmp Thanks Sky for the free party political broadcast.

Birmo billshortenmp Are you in jail

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