Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs measure rolling back child labor protections

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Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed a law allowing for children under the age of 16 to get a job without permission from the state's Division of Labor.

Since 2018, there has been a 69 percent increase in the number of children employed illegally by companies, the Labor Department said.

“It increases the likelihood that kids will end up in dangerous jobs," said Reid Maki, director of child labor advocacy at the National Consumers League. He added that the surge in reported child labor law violations makes it a"very odd time" for Arkansas to weaken protections.


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And erect a joyful tribute to dead fetuses. She's a MAGA Qanon conspiracy menace and White Christian Nationalist Facist authoritarian. VOTE DEMOCRAT SAVE DEMOCRACY AND AMERICA! ARGOP GOP TheDemocrats

Better this 👌 than welfare !$ Amen !

So you want illegal kids working too?

She is setting back her citizenry several generations. Children belong in school, not in some sweatshop being exploited. Emphatically.

My daughter started working summers when she was 13. 8 hour days, M-F. It taught her responsibility and how to save and spend. Better to work then sit around watching tv or getting into trouble.

More cheap labor to keep the rich getting richer, thanks Sarah!!

She should make lemonade stand business licenses illegal, too. Imagine filing tax withholding reports to the state if you had a lemonade stand. Ridiculous.

Good. It should have always been this way. Young people need to be able to work and begin learning how to make a living, saving money, and using it to build themselves up.

I started working at 12. More of this please!

Awesome why should you have to get government permission to work

What a great thing having children working like the industrial revolution. Good job jethrine

Children who chase money don’t chase an education. Arkansas like many other red states have policies that help keep the poverty level high, & education low. Without the electoral college, most red states would have no power because they aren’t contributing to the US economy.

At least your headline is spot on. I like a world with a little less red tape, don't you?

Arkansas is doing away with a previously required form that most states don't have.

Sarah Suckabee just made it easier for Junior to take your job!! Don't kkry about immigrants taking them!! Love this for you!!!

But is it?


When I was 15 I was able to get a job sacking groceries. Why do I, or my parents, need permission for that?

Another false narrative. Btw isn’t it special that the same people complaining about this have no worry about kids deciding to get gender mutilization surgery

That won't stand.

These crazies think it's child abuse to let them work before 16, but have no problem pumping them with puberty blockers at age 3. You sick, evil, demonic death merchants.

Pretty sure when I worked a little part time as an early teen back in the ‘60s there was no state “permission” required. How did I ever survive?

People on this thread should look up ChildLabor laws. 14 &15 yo can works with restrictions in types of jobs and hours. Same goes for 16/17 yo. Working papers which certify age, can be done at school. This is a non issue but SarahHuckabee and the gop want to enrage their base.

Child labor law is to protect children, but children should be able to over-write that protection themselves.

Uh, parental permission should be all that is required. The state's Division of Labor should just be monitoring working conditions. The state is not the parent.

On the road back to slavery and indentured servitude!

Put those undocumented children to work, it’s pro life slavery!

She’s 20 pounds of flour in a 5 pound sack. Obese racist slob.

Kids need to learn the value of work. Obviously kids don’t need to be overworked, but learning what it takes to earn money is a good thing. Don’t want to teach kids to be on their iPhones and computers all day and grow up to become moochers.

In a time when 30 year olds are still living at home with their parents. It’s refreshing to see a trend the opposite way. With Bidens economy, and the IRS coming with guns, it’s all hands on deck!

Child labor...the kind of grooming SHS and her posse can support.

I got my first job at 15. Yes, I had to lie about my age, but I wanted to do something productive. Eat 💩

Oh no! They aren't getting permission?!? In America?! How dare them.

To be fair, kids would probably learn more and better things by working than by spending all day trapped in our public school system.

But you can be sure she's cracking down on drag shows. Because, you know, the children.

This is child abuse. She must be prosecuted.

Considering that the majority of 16 year olds in Arkansas can actually read, the workforce desperately needs them to replace the adults who can’t.

Leaving open the Pandora’s Box opened to hire teens in meat packing plants….

Pluck those chickens, clean those hog innards. She should send her children to work if it’s such a great idea

In a state full of inbred white trash on welfare, someone has to work.

She wants to keep poor kids in the fields instead of school!

Sanders need to study history on children labor laws and why we have them!

I repeat all child labor laws still apply. I had to get a permit to work at 14 in NY. What a joke that was.

First they reinstate Jim Crow in MIssissippi. Next Huckabee is ignoring Child Labor Laws which were put in place to keep children from becoming slaves. How can we stop America from sliding backwards?

Work bad. Trans kids good

Do the Huckster wants to allow more exploitation children. No surprise.

'family values' - why only spend time together at home, when the kids work alongside the parents?

“Please sir, May I have some more?”

This country is 💩💩 start them off with the 🇺🇸 BS dream work until you are just 62 one month of collecting SS you paid then die. Meanwhile old glory keeps all the money they stole from you.

Aren't these the people that scream rabidly about 'parents' rights?' - as in parents having absolute dominion over their minor children? The GOP is so confusing.

I had a paper route when I was 10. Build’s Character,Responsibility and a strong work ethic and us kids didn’t need permission from the State Division of Labor but we did need permission from our Parents!

In the eyes of the media, it's okay for children to be mutilated and poisoned by the trans-gender industry, but horror of horrors when a 14 or 15 year old wants to work to earn a little bit of money. What a crazy world we live in!




I started picking strawberries when I was 11 and was a crew foreman on a large fruit and hog farm at 13. As long as it is limited hours during school and on weekend the adults don't want to work so the help is good.

I worked a lot before I was 16. I even asked the government's permission... I just worked.


It was a stupid law anyway. Who are you to measure my competence because of my age. That decision should be to the individual, their employer and the parents. Life is a school and a teacher.

Violation of child labor is a federal crime

Current proposal to not charge with felony if under 25 In Maryland. I would rather children learn a work ethic than a crime ethic

I can see reading is not a strong suit for DA. No where does it say kids are required to work it say they can. Working will teach them not to be lazy freeloading democrats.

Sarah is amazing.

Now SHEIN_Official can open a factory in Arkansas. Madeinamerica

Good. The government should have no say in voluntary labor.

Good start them young . Not like the basement dwellers these days that parents coddle have now become “Resist “ Antifa thugs

I had a paper route at 12 washed dishes at 15 in California the problem with most of these folks pretending to be concerned for children would gladly put the into hands of teachers who will teach them such wonderful things promoting woke gender confusion ect trying to enlighten

Great. Get her kids out to work along side hard working immigrants!

Just when you think Arkansas can't get any more backward.

They might as well allow all of her state's employers to violate ALL child labor laws and start slavery again.

I guess we now know definitively when the good old days that Trumplfucks refer to occurred

Then 12, then 10, then 6.

Didn’t they just uncover hundreds of underage labor happening across the country? Guess we know who they were working for, just change the laws then. Corporate and political greed, are they really looking out for the people?

Instituting child labor. That was fast.

That’s so the government don’t stop kids on the farms. Those kids are adults & amazing. However, in this area the kids requires more schooling and social training to compete for less available jobs and move them from crime. Media plays on emotions with out giving local facts

Imagine if Arkansas stopped abusing children.

Expect more of this reactionary BS from Donut Mom.

She needs their little hands to polish the inside of the artillery shells.

So poor families will send their children to work instead of to school to get an education so they can better themselves. They'll never be able to break the cycle of poor with people like Sarah in office.

now all the 'Unaccompanied Migrant Minors can get to work! FLIP THOSE BURGERS!

She needs cheap labor to clean her house and take care of her landscaping.

I wonder what her kids are doing.

It's called mowing lawns and babysitting.

Just like China

It's what happens when families can't survive a democratic leadership that is starving its people. Everyone needs to help provide.

These Appalling Images Exposed Child Labor in America

Bringing back child labor. Bold move.

If this happened in China... the media headline would have been 'Cruel legislation introduced by draconian governor promoting child labour...'

The future of America's children: Republican meets girl. Republican rapes girl. Republican forces girl to give birth. Unwanted child forced to work at 9 years old. Unwanted child is given guns. Unwanted child joins military, dies for the country. Unwanted child never gets to vote

Look what Trump has done! Governors that have decided to break the law and establish there own government. Republicans that have gone rogue. No one is saying or doing anything! Children now are in danger and no one in screaming out. What’s up Mr. President?

How do you expect Ben & Jerry's to make you ice cream without child labor

She needs workers for her pig farm.

I didn't need permission from the MA Division of Labor to work in a fish market at age 14. Nor should anyone else.

Imagine being the party that wants 8 year olds to mutilate their sex organs but not allow a 16 year old to work without parental consent


You’re allowed to get a job from 14-16 now without needing the government to give you permission. The headline makes it look like they’re putting kids in coal mines,

I started working at 15 with 'working papers' from the state in 1988. Im glad I was able to.

That law is a predator’s delight! Please parents, do not allow your children to be victimized by God only knows what when you can’t see them in a work place! It’s difficult enough for adults in a hostile environment!

It’s for FAMILY operated business, not some unrelated employer.

The plan is obvious isn’t it. More work and less school. So they can control their citizens


Which means, no one has the children's welfare in mind, no accountability. How about liability? Are children under 16, under their parents' permission, eligible for workers' comp, other liability protection?

Make America Great Again right?

How Dickensesque of her,

groomers. RepublicansAreDestroyingAmerica

In anticipation for McDonald’s return of the McRib; Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a law allowing children under 16 to get a job without permission from Ark Labor division. As she stated “it would speed up production time & delivery, so I won’t have to wait in line so long.”

Old news

Gotta force poor people to birth kids so GOP can send them back into the mines before they get any fancy ideas like getting an education

I was working after school at age 14. Why do we need more govt permission for this? It would do many teens well to do some work after school instead of flopping on Mommy's couch with their phones glued to their hands.

Make America Great Again

MAGA- child labor, child marriage, no books in the library, no sex education for children.

Screw the children back to the salt mines with you. Be gone! No you cannot have some more... Don't give me that please, sir stuff!

No words No words for this , Arkansas is turning into North Korea or China

Which sounds like slavery to most people.

Huckabee thinks she's protecting children by not letting them learn our history, and increasing the chances they'll be exploited in the workforce. Arkansas, what have you done?

Her reasoning was that it was a burden to the parents for their kids to get permission to get a job. It’s called being a parent. Filling out a slip and sending it off isn’t that hard folks.

I worked in a grocery store at 14. Before that I was mowing lawns or knocking on doors asking if people wanted me to shovel snow off their walkways. Kids can do light work. No factories. No working for Nike. No mines or anything...😎

Great news!!! These kids these days are lazy as hell!

Very good initiative to promote work from an early age is a key factor in making people good in the future, turning attention to development at these ages is to ensure a more responsible and cooperative population.

Child labor? Is this evil we accuse other countries of ?

Her kids should be first.

It goes against the liberal values of not working

Truly monstrous

I guess that is what the people in Arkansas want? They voted for her and they will pay the price. Very sad.

Nothing to worry about. Most kids under 16 are obsessed with becoming a TikTok star instead of working.

Tell the truth, this is why you’re called “Fake News” She eliminated the work permit for 16 year olds.

They are willing to lower the working age but not the voting age Alarm bells should be going off for everyone on all sides Capitalism is gutting your rights in plain view and making your children pay without representation This is about the need for taxable labour hours

More evidence of her family values allowing child slavery!

China's leadership of the Iran-Saudi reconciliation is a major failure of Biden's diplomacy. Chinese national teacher Wang Huning published 'America Against America' ​​to make the left oppose the USA, let the USA decline, and keep smearing Trump

To everyone saying they had a job young , let me guess, you also went to school? Yeah, this isn't about after-school jobs scooping ice cream. This is so kids drop out early to make money because they're poor. Not cause daddy thinks they need a paper route to mature.

I guess she wants her kids out there earning their keep.

I met some folks from Arkansas - Quite Frankly - Not the Brightest -

Maybe Big Government should stop...... Stealing money 💰 Stop spending money 💰 Stop giving away our money 💰 And then maybe someone could be there for the children. Government is failing.

Make child labor great again!

From a context point of view this is great. Under certain context this is so beneficial to the youth. Proud moment for Sarah and her supporters

Republican = regressive

state pa allows 15 year Olds and it's democrat run.. another hit piece ignore the DNC guess what Biden counts those kids in his touts about Job growth

There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s actually a good idea. (And I’m a Dem and honestly can’t stand this woman). Nobody is talking about hard labor or child exploitation, but why not give the 12-14 year-olds an opportunity to earn themselves?

Simple recipe. Take kids out of school. Get them hooked on low wage jobs. Foster resentment and start blaming the 'other' for financial shortfalls. Go running to the GOP! All while taking away Medicaid and other social programs that would actually benefit them the most.

So instead of parents being too busy to watch their kids grow up now, the kids will be too busy as well. Where's Timmy I want to play catch. His doing a double down at the Piggly Wiggly. Arkansas let your kids be kids they will spend enough of their lives working.

SHS and Republicans want to increase the wealth gap as much as possible. They don't want all children to be educated, only the rich. They want all the other children to become unskilled cheap labor as soon as possible so Republicans can exploit them as long as possible.

And in another Republican state they have approved of child brides.

Of course would make a law like this since her kids have silver spoon, she just want another child to feed them.

Proposal: Children under the age of 10 can have puberty blockers and chemically castrate themselves without parents' knowledge or consent.

I grew up on a farm and was working steady on it at the age of 10. I’m a better person for it.

Kids on farms learn work ethics doing chores and contributing to the family. If a child wants to earn money mowing lawns and shoveling snow that’s ok. Makes them become better adults in society.

That’s great! Kids need to learn responsibility early!

Law probably written by some rich dude looking for cheap labor

hello, look 👀 at the 🦛 wearing 🚫pink! she was the worst press secretary and now she is the worst Gov. that is why we the peoples has to put a stop! and don’t let any more neonnazi republicans have any more government position! they are bringing American 🇺🇸 down! stop her!👎🫵

Nothing wrong with that. I started working when I was 14 to save money so I can buy my first car.

Some of the comments on this show that ignorance is more dangerous than bliss these days. It neither forces children to work, nor does it allow them to be paid less than minimum wage. Get a grip on reality. At least get a fingertip on it.

They just can't figure out how to make money without slaves.

Fat cunt

Lovely vision of a futuristic state Arkansas.....

I loved having a job when I was in school, I had my own money.

Just keep posting picks like this on her gov Twitter account

MAGA folks want to start having babies at 15 so of course they need to drop out of school and get jobs.

Weird flex

That’s great. If you grew up on a farm you had to work by the age of 7-8. Mom and dad did not have to get permission from the labor department.

They need child wage slaves to keep making those corporations rich.


Republicans Child Slavery Program in response to worker shortage.


That a very nice idea 💡

Child labor?!

Great! Get government out of family-owned small businesses and farms.

lol…. “No Johnny you can’t work 4 hours at McDonalds/Walmart today to put away money for college” The Government say NO..You can Just take out a loan…. (You’ll never have to pay it back anyway)

I started working full time at 15 so yes I’m all for it .

AND how many chicken processing plants are in Arkansas🤔🤔🤔

Hey magas your kids are going to die because of this

Damn kids need to work and pay a damn bill. Freeloading deadbeats eating all my food in the kitchen. Every time I’m in the kitchen they in the kitchen eating all my cereal, all my potatoe chips, all my ice cream.

Work! A trigger word for the Liberals anymore. I worked when I was 15 and there was no problem with it. If the parents think it's too much for the child with school and other activities they have the right to tell them to stop. It's not up to the government it's up to the parents

So we are back to child labor huh

I wonder how many sweatshops the Trumps are going to open in Arkansas.

Oh, Sarah Hucksterbee Slanders….

Good for her. Build some dang character in these kids. I'm 39. Started working when I was 13 at a local sandwich shop.

Im pretty sure sending your immature underage kids to work with a bunch of older guys without any supervision, is probably the BEST way for them to avoid any sexual abuse, exploitation or drug use!

Snowflakes worried their kids may want to work? Why are ppl upset about this?

Pro life...until you are born.

I had a paper route as a boy, worked at snack shack when I was 12, and worked at deli at 15. This is no big deal.

Will there be any laws to protect these children? ArkansasSweatShopLabor

For an America that's a total piece of crap, only one thing is necessary- vote for Conservatives.

Not sure SarahHuckabee has attributes but 🤯🤮

Posted as 'news' for 5 straight days! Can we MOVE ON

I didn’t know it was a law not to work? In California we all worked around 15

If anyone is old enough,your relatives may have told you about themselves or their family members working in factories.And they were under 16. Labor laws were meant to protect people who are most vulnerable.Too much regulation is a bad thing. Not here. You don’t cave into stupid.

Great you people don’t have a clue farmers are hard workers and their kids are involved from a yong age and when it’s time to be a man they are prepared 100% more than a kid that sits around and plays video game with killing and drugs pushers in it it is called real parenting

Arkansas has become Arkansas again.

Oh boy! Work? Libs are gonna hate this.

Good job Sarah. 16 year olds that need to work should be able to work.

And one that makes it illegal to have a social media account for 14 and under without parental consent. So you can work but not be on social media. 🤦‍♀️

That's messed up man

At least she’s not trying to change their sex


Of course she did.

Don't want pesky regulators getting companies in trouble for having migrant child laborers after all

Let's get that child labor going, right Sarah Huckabee?

So, obviously Upton Sinclair's The Jungle must've been one of the books they threw out of the library.

twt2718 Another cretin who wishes she lived in the dark ages. Waiting to see when her kids are employed, or is this ruling for everyone else’s not her precious spawn?

GovHuckabill kids need to be kids. Once a person gets a job, it's going to be the of their lifes. Age 16 is young enough. BlackRock is already working illegal immigrants for slave labor.

Jesus fuck.

The spawn of Trump

Why does someone have to get an employment certificate just to apply for a job? As a foreigner, this requirement makes no goddamn sense - we don't have that level of bureaucracy.

If you let them make decisions for themselves and support them good job being a parent.

The Huckabee clan at it again!

Because it targets immigrant youths between 12 and 16. It eliminates any documentation (of age or permit) and requires NO parental consent. You should call it the “hey kids, don’t worry about education or safety, come to arkansas and work in the meat packing industry” bill

KatCapps Diabolical!

Incoming illegal immigrants

The good old days are coming back

No wonder the southern states want a baby boom. Child labor and child marriage laws being passed 🤦🏼‍♀️

Arkansas kids can get a job but can't have a social media account.

Be Warned. Coming to a red state near you! SHS is the test case for a Governor lead accelerationist, authoritarian restructuring of as many aspects of civil life possible. A Steve Bannon implant, “burn it all down”The corruption has already begun. Ignore at your peril .


Christians 😡

Never met so many 'pro life Christians' that want to hurt children so badly. The media should be screaming about this but since you are such a failure you won't.

Yet all they'll do is blame it on the 'problems at the border' Huckabee ought to be ashamed of herself

This law is stupid. Read between the lines people. Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants children under the age of 16 to get a job because she wants them to quit school. Children should be at school only governor.

Look at the nice photo you posted of the new Arkansas pro Child Labor Czar. Nice work, elites.

Now they have to pay taxes instead of working for cash. You dems. ought to be all for that. Tax and spend!!

She knows child labor perpetuates poverty. When children are forced to work instead of attending school, they are less likely to develop the skills and knowledge they need to escape poverty. This can create a cycle of poverty that is passed down from one generation to the next.

Let's just shut down schools altogether and make children start working asap. And have babies.

She is a real sidefaced Skank!

This is progress?

🤣 People know how many states have no age (or very limited) for farm work? I swear Americans are about ignorant on how things outside their little city islands work.

That way they can make useful citizens out of all of the unwanted children that they created.

Republicans want to save the children!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

SHS and the AR legislators need to admit to 1 of 2 scenarios: 1) They have 0 concern about protecting children and are perfectly fine exploiting them. 2) Biden’s job market is so good and unemployment is so low, the only way to fill open positions was to lower the working age

THIS actually has a point. This allows 'family run businesses', farms, and such to continue to operate normally. IE, now the 14 year old can legally work the till at the family store in a small town. or the 12 year olds can help picking crops.

Potentially one of the scariest women I've ever seen. The eyebrow, baby fat as adult and devil eyes. Scary shit!

She’s disgusting on so many levels. I’ll never forget how she cried about being kicked out of a restaurant because well, we hate her, and she cried about it for sympathy. Honestly, she deserves to be kicked out of every establishment from here on out.

I mean, pick a position, please.

Is this because adults don't want to work?

So let me get this right, she wants to verify age for kids to go online, but not verify age for children working in meat packing plants? Got it.

What if Sarah just wants to have fun? Who are we to stand in her Vulturous ways?

As an Arkansan, this is appalling.

SarahHuckabee is bowing to the blood-sucking PriceGouging corporations. Layoff the Parents and hire their Children at lower wages.

Arkansas could have had Chris Jones as Governor but picked this bag of nonsense instead...

Can't get people to work for poverty wages so let's go get the little kids to do it. Evil

Except her kids. They won’t be working.

But they can change gender under age 16 ? LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

Tf ! you see this is why I blame white people for illegal immigration. Y’all encourage this kind of deplorable acts.

Make Child Labor Great Again

I wonder how she likes knowing these kids will be paying her checks.

Why not? Some teens want to work I did. I liked making some money

Republicans want to be able to marry kids and put them to work. Are we surprised by this bullshit that's straight out of the bible?

Good kids need to learn responsibility, work ethic, and people skills because public schools fail on all three

She needs lawn work

Imagine this one eye guy making these rules?

Yeah, because what we need now is child labor. Gotta make sure those kids are too busy working to get educated. (Otherwise they'll know better than to vote for FUCKING REPUBLICANS).

The path to a permanent under class of workers no matter whether domestic or migrant. Darkansas

Promote education for your young. This isn't 1920.

Doo hickey boo hickey

Thirteen year old kids being employed in slaughterhouses? No way for schools to verify if they are missing school due to legit jobs. This allows companies to employ kids with no age verification. Documenting parents as part of the process is removed as well.

Odd way to protect our children.

Repeal Right to Work laws. ...

Children are 'old enough' to work, but not enough to read books in a school library..... huh.

Nike factory coming soon.

Cool. Got my first job as a clerk and bouncer at a liquor store when I was 12.

Shining city on a hill... with legal child labor as enticement to migrants to cross the border and be alternately exploited and demonized. Rinse. Repeat.

Her contempt for migrants clearly shows through

Paves the way for lazy parents to put their kids to work and support their lazy butts.

Growing up on a family farm, I was working before I was 9 years old. I picked grapes, cotton, drove tractor and a pickup truck all by the time I was 10. More kids need the opportunity to work. Builds good character, a work ethic and self esteem.

boys in the mines extracting, girls at home expecting.

Gee kids wanting to work and parents allowing them is such a travesty. Just horrible. 🙄🤦🏻

Keeping it classy, Arkansas

The idea that a kid needs permission from any government entity is gov overreach

Maybe they should be hired by the state to pick up all the litter there. I just went fly fishing in Arkansas and it’s filthy.

I had no idea that Arkansas wanted an open call for migrant children to show up in their state. Abbott can now send Sanders the upcoming surge in unaccompanied children to Sanders

🤡 show 🎪🤹

Protecting minors from everything that might injure them, except harsh working conditions.

Good Ole days

All that inbreeding takes a toll

A psycho daughter of a psycho.

I remember driving through Arkansas as a child and my father saying I would never bring my kid up here. We landed in California. Thank you Dad

The mother of Boebert's grandkid can get a job.

When the MAGAts say 'Make America Great Again', this is part of what they're talking about.

She was tired of waiting so long at kfc

Springfield, Arkansas


“Put children to work” - GOP Gov Sarah Huckabee, channeling the 1800s

Pu t. Os yankis

They keep telling us they want to protect kids, but their actions prove the opposite. They want to protect kids from learning, as education tends to turn people away from the republican party and its constant lies.

Fits right in with current exploitation trends:

But she wants anyone under 18 to have a digital ID to use social media.

Gross women

This is a travesty. No one under the age of 25 should have to work.

Wait, you’re saying if a 15 yr old wants a summer job to have some cash, they are allowed to?! Oh the insanity!! 😵‍💫

But she's not checking their immigration status, right? There's a special place in Hell for her.

Let's be honest, this is about abusing and exploiting immigrant children.

Sarah wants 10-year olds out in those fields. Her bext bill will allow children to drop out of school(so they can go to work).

That’s happening across the GOP states-

It's not like they have schools in arkansas, the hillbillies may as well work. For $5.00 an hour

Love it! Helping The Poors by letting their offspring have full time jobs. And people say Republicans don’t care about Family Values! They are letting children pull themselves out of poverty by the way of a McDonalds Uniform!

What happens when the girls need time off to birth their rapists' babies?

Go figure Arkansas is where Johnny Cash’s brother was cut into pieces working in a sawmill.

Arkansas population keeps dwindling. Arkansas needs labor. But they don’t want too much, “Latinx labor,” coming from south of the border. They might vote Democratic. Huckabee-Sanders: We’ll just deregulate labor laws.

Oh goodie. Bringing back child labor and sweatshops.

'...for the children!' ✌️

Honestly whats wrong with working at 14 or 15? I did 3 hrs a night 3 nights a week. Learned the value of a dollar, and earned my money and savwd for my 1st car, phone insurance. Ya know. Responsibilities. Libs no nothing about

Sweatshops will be the norm in Arkansas.

I worked at 14. No problem. Biden has bankrupt the middle class so much families are probably forced to have their children work just to make ends meat. Thanks biden.

So, democrats are fine with child trans mutilation..but a hell no with them being allowed to work..smh..clown world.

Thank God we don’t rely on mainstream media for accurate truthful reporting. NBC total intent is control of population.

NBC spins propaganda with evil intent.

Red state toilets continue to swirl

Arkansas, the world leader in 30 year old grandparents.

They must have plans to open up sweat shops like they had in other countries.

Oh stop. Many of us had jobs before the age of 16 and which were under the table. Everyone has got something to say…opinions are like assholes. Everyone’s got one.

GlitchTVBot Anti-'grooming' party 'protecting' children again

Great job, we need to clear the path for the next generation to have a excellent work ethic

Les Misérables

And the democrats want To tax those under 16 who work to punish them.

That is awesome! Well done gov Sanders!

Arkansas elected her ! That says it all

Republicans 5 years ago: We are against child labor! Republicans now: Children should be allowed to work in factories just like adults!

How do these ghouls keep on winning elections ? Astounding

Lawsuits anyone? Death, injury, & being maimed.

Another hit piece by NBC. The bottom line is all child labor laws still apply. There will always be crooked companies that try to get away with it Like Cartels hiring children to sell drugs. If you don’t know what you’re children are doing someone should call child services

It's to more easily exploit the Latino migrant children CBP abducts and the coyotes meat processing companies pay to traffic them.

The Dems want you to be able to get your reproductive organs sawed off at 16.

Well it's Arkansas. It's not like they were going to get much of an education anyway.

She looks as ugly as she acts!

nice looking freedom



So the protect the children and parental choice people are…hypocrites

I guess if they are getting knocked up at 14, they better get a job!

Why be mad? At least they want to work.

Oh no, that dirty word work.

I worked at a Mexican restaurant at 15. It was a good start

Children work so Sanders can remain fat.

Worst state in the union governed by the worst Governor

Because they're little hands can more easily get to the blades to clean the machines.

Now lower the age for voting, because if you can work you should be able to vote.

Republicans are the same as the German yatzhees in the 1930s, enemies of the free world not just the enemies of democracy in the USA.

The children yearn for the mines

Posted as 'news' every day this week. Let it GO. 😨

Hilljacks unite!

So, no more 'transgender' kids walking the runway at the pop-up pervert shows?

Goody, let’s applaud her for contributing to the Arkansas teen spending more hrs working than studying! What’s the drop out rate now in AR?

Now lower the age limit for drinking, smoking, driving and voting !! 🤷‍♂️

Arkansas is already at the bottom. How much lower can they get? I guess we are going to find out

They already using migrant kids in the slaughterhouse,


So child labor, no school, child marriages, children giving birth to children, wow this is Republicanism.

Anyone ok with this should have their kids taken from them

Lovely. Throw them down the coal mine and get them to work immediately.

NBC N MSNBC is the other destructive force in America

You should be able to work without the big nanny involved, I suppose.

This allows business owners to exploit people coming over the border with children.

OMGAWD! A JOB without permission? I am sure the Gender affirmers who go even younger have issues with this.

My first job was at the age of 12. I made wooden chairs for classrooms.

Tyson Foods gets a whole new pool of workers who can't unionize now. Fuck that slab of ugly.

Australia it’s been 14 years 11 months for generations.

The Rich need to keep the people poor & dumb ..making them easier to control

So much for protecting the children...

That’s great! 16 is too old to need permission to work

Read the law libtards .. why do I as a parent need to go to the state to get a permit for my kid to work It created unjust hurdles on parents .. get real and don’t take MiSinformationNBC’s sentence headline as the story

Kids aren't in the mines and factories anymore. No reason a 15 year old can't get a job in an air conditioned office fetching coffee for people. Builds work ethic, experience, and contacts, in business.

BivingsDoris They elected a real clunker in Arkansas. Do they even think about what their votes mean until the results of their voting means they’ve burned their own lives to the ground?

This is great 👍. Great job Sarah kids need to put down the video games and get to work

I couldn’t wait to get a job when I was 15, and I did, because that was the minimum age at the time. I also couldn’t wait to get a job at age 14 and at age 13. I was poor, I had a work ethic, and I wanted nice things. I got the nice things I wanted and learned a lot.

Wtf 🤬

So, if my daughter (we actually live in Colorado) wants to earn spending $ scooping ice cream, there are large groups of ppl who think that’s bad? Really?

Forced birth and forced child labor. Sounds like a lovely state 🫠

All child labor laws that actually protect children still apply. Arbitrary burdens on parents to have to get permission from the government for their child to get a job is burdensome and obsolete.

Wait, I thought they cared about children, oh right, only unborn ones

She could take the presidency. Kamala girl thank you sent the figure on my jeep need talking points I got 5 warlords that flew in no secret service from blood Diamond ♦️? Susan Rice protocols babies you are and Ms Bottoms …. Let ‘em have it!

She going to be in position if not now.

Good job! Maybe the kids will replace some of the crybaby losers sobbing about pronouns and having to work more than three hours at a time.


Hell yeah

This is the result of electing a 16th-century ideologist into the 23rd-century political position. Sanders is still living in Stone Age. Age of the slave masters who think it's appropriate for children to be forced to work in the plantations.This is very tragic for the Arkansas.

For 40 years, Japan has distorted history by perpetrating forced family rape, human experimentation, and forced sexual slavery in Korea, and pouring huge political funds into it. American politicians taste Japanese money, ignore Korea, and only support Japan's rearmament.

Arkansas' youngest governor and probably its least intelligent, as well.

I’m sure she’s okay with 12 yr olds getting pregnant also .. crazy

I knew she would.

What kind of insanity is this? Next she will pass a law kids can buy a car without notifying NTSB if a Carfax was provided. 16 is old enough to drive they are older enough to work. Now be this outraged that healthy girls and boys are being experimented on.

I’d rather just lock children up for minor drug offenses and force them into indentured servitude.


The news media biased reporting as Huckabee did not endanger children unlike Biden's border policy that lead to the exploration of Migrant Children employed to work brutal jobs across the US.

Someone with a social consciousness should write a book decrying this. Oh, wait. Charles Dickens did. Almost 200 years ago!

nothing like a dose of forced child labor

There is seriously something wrong with this witch!

Yeehaw. Get that good ol' fashioned child slavery goin'. 🤠

We heard already. Thanks.

SarahHuckabee such a proud btch, arnchya?

Keep in mind, this is being reported by NBC. So there's gonna be plenty of twists and turns in the story.

Good, integrity and character begins early. Unlike Dems who want them to change their gender and have sex with them. Good for Arkansas, kids and our country 👍👍

Lewis Hine: Child oyster shuckers show inhospitable working conditions borne by thousands of children... via MailOnline

The Pro Child Labor Candidate..

I think it's much more reasonable to allow an under 16 year old to work than consent to gender affirming hormones or surgery. You can be a confused teenager and work at McDonald's without lasting harm. You cannot decide to change your body without inflicting lasting harm.

Child Labor, its supported by the bible so why wouldnt evil conservatives love it?

Some 16/15 yr olds are more mature than a lot of so called adults.

I starting work at 12. I don't see a problem.

Now ..their parents can make them work before 16…for money for the household…taking away precious childhood years….great

Get ready for a rises in mental health issues for Arkansas youth.

Omg, she too is a pedophile

I live in California and I worked at 15 without any government approval


More cheap child labor for the chicken packing plants. Tyson is a huge political donor.

This woman does not deserve a position of power as she is unwilling to protect children, and is putting them in harm's way!

Next up (probably) raising the wage for workers under 16 under the guise of curbing lifelong poverty. 🤦‍♀️

Welcome to the 1920’s Arkansas. Real good choice for Gubner you got there. Hope you’re happy with what you voted for. Because you’re getting exactly what you voted for. And the educated states are appalled.

Just more proof that the GOP doesn't care about kids. They want us all to birth children, so they can force them in to hazardous working conditions to make the rich richer. I hate them all!!!

This goes together with GOP effort to kill off public education. No schools, new class of kid worker bees.

Pregnant 14 year olds get sign on bonuses.

Why is she going backwards?

What is wrong with these people ?

Maybe Arkansas try to make a free slaves like in India 19 century?!

Well, Hillbilly farmers need cheap labour that they can bully

Another state I'll drive around and not spend a dime in

DAMNING FACTS: 1. Mark Meadows was in contact with Oath Keepers & Proud Boys while these two groups met in the Willard Hotel's 'War Room' on Jan. 5th. 2. DOJ has 'sworn testimony' that the Proud Boys in the Capitol were 'prepared to kill' Pence & Pelosi.

Even in Arkansas sawmill?

So 10 yr olds working the drive thru at McDonalds and 12 yr olds digging ditches ... yeah that sounds like Arkansas alright !!!

Huckabee promotes child sex exploitation in Arkansas! A TESTAMENT TO TRAMPIISM?

I started working when I was 14 on weekends. This taught me the value of money and good work ethic & how to be responsible. I’m certainly not a Republican, but I completely agree with her. OSHA laws govern the safety of work so there is no issue here

Somebody's gotta clean those meat plants......

When does she bring back slavery?

As it should be! A job helps teach kids responsibility! I had one when I was 9.

That’s good. It doesn’t appear that Arkansas is too interested in educating them. May as well put them to work. Probably don’t even have to pay minors minimum wage either.

Sarah Huckabee is the face of evil.

It’s hilarious how this news agency cut to feed on The governor when he showed pornographic images that the schools are trying to give kids. If the news won’t show it, it certainly should not be at schools.

Why do y'all post everything twice?

Daddy's girl's done what the GOPs asked of her. Will she work on a law that will reduce the incomes of the children's parents? Amazing how easy it is to get Arkansas voters to agree to laws that make them poorer! Wasn't She and hubby aid out of Republican Campaign funds?

Campaign contributions from Tyson Chicken 🙄

How pro-life of her.

Wow…. Now the Republicans are pushing for child labor!?!? How are the dems supposed to groom children when they are working!?!?

Who knew that Ursula, the Sea Witch was so draconian.

What a monster!

Sounds reasonable.

Ahh the Republican dream of child labor, and less health and safety regulations. Arkansas trying to give 3rd world countries a run for their money in terms of child sweat shops.

Child abuse!

Southern republicans sure do love their slaves, don’t they?

Ahh yes. The pro child labor party.

I was 15 when I started working my part time job in high school - and didn't need permission from the government.

My two kids over the age of 16 have had jobs since they were 14 in the summers and the only permission they had was their parents which is the way it should be

I feel like the only people objecting to this have no idea what actually changed. She didn't change anything about a 16 year old working, just that it doesn't need to be approved by DL anymore. That approval almost ALWAYS happened anyway. If anything, just saves tax payers $

This opens the door to forced child labor and trafficking. Republicans are so myopic, and the cruelty is the point.

Because nothing has ever really been about protecting children. We learned that early on from repubs. They care more about a clump of cells than they do actual children.

omg ... children are at risk with this person in charge

Shouldn’t have to ask the state for permission. I was doing jobs at 13 while we became homeless helping provide for the family. All those that say this is bad haven’t missed a meal or slept in their car. Lived in a 23ft 1977 trailer for a year, had to pay for the heat someways


I'm super thrilled to see robber barrons and 10 year olds working in factories w/o supervision make a come back. We're really making America 'great' again.

Yeah, and look how diverse the crowd was when she signed it! All rich white folks.

the labor market in arkansas must be really tight

Pro Child Labor running platform. Didn’t think it would make a comeback.

The good old days of child labor and a return to the era the GOP wants back

Human trafficking about to skyrocket there

What could be the point besides cruelty to children and permission to unscrupulous employers?

put them to work on the trains

The redneck, trailer trash, uneducated state of Arkansas.

Evil hog

and when they pass these types of legislation they always look as if they’ve done something so great. that just shows they have no idea what they’ve done, they don’t understand what they’ve done and they don’t care about what they just did. they’re in the position to get paid.

Whatever the plan the effect is always the same - force wages lower.

Nobody said anything about forced child labor. You trolls make it sound like child labor laws are out the window. If a 14 year old wants to bag groceries, who the hell are you to tell them no. I would much rather see a kid working after school than at home playing on their phone.

The GOP is pro childlabor but they don't want 18 year olds to vote

These headlines are getting more and more euphemistic as you keep attempting to make horrific rights violations sound reasonable

I started working at 14 because I wasn't raised to be a wuss

Amerikka has never moved past needing slaves to fiction

For those wondering, the issue with this is that it opens the door for younger ppl to enter a job market that is resistant to paying ppl a living wage. Teens who typically don’t have bills, will take anything comp wise driving down comp for ppl who actually need it.

Arkansas. Thanks to Huckabee-Sanders is the child labor state.

Hey, that sounds like good news to me!

Or supervision

Read the article dummies'All child labor laws that actually protect children still apply '

Just say the “F” word. This is a policy of fascists. It is organized and it is wide spreading.

Yee haw!

What could go wrong.....

You people just need a reason to be mad at something but then also get mad when your local fast food restaurants are short staffed. High schoolers work all the time. Hell I was 14 bagging groceries when I was a freshman. It’s not a big deal and if they want to work let them.

that sounds like what a democrat would do, except change job to have a sex change operation

I worked before I was sixteen. It was reduced hours in the evenings. My parents needed help with the costs of getting four of us thru school. Apparently I wasn't as lucky as my rich liberal friends on here.

Allows those 14 year old girls with three kids to get out there and support them.


So they can do a lemonade stand?

The Dems want them to vote so!

Wonderful. Kids earning money is great. Lots of poor kids will benefit from this.

Forced birth = cheap labor. That’s your 21st century GOP.

the party for protecting children strikes again

Republicans party is working to make America into a 3rd world country. Children will be in the labor force instead of school. The true intention of the attack on public schools is a functionally illiterate workforce. Bad Republican policy, anti family, and antiworker.

Work is freedom.

As an Arkansan I’m more disgusted by the spawn of former Governor Huckabee than is possible to put in to words. She is making it legal to EXPLOIT CHILDREN. She is stealing money from our public schools. She is ANTI-CHILDREN. But runs on a platform of “caring for kids.” BULLSHT.

In Massachusetts, we can work at 14 and I did-so I’m not sure what’s wrong with this especially as we are facing a labor shortage. OSHA and Federal law exists so there is not child labor happening in our country.

What is the age limit. What about those who sell tobacco products or Alcohol products. Sincerely Mr. Johnathan Johnson.

MeBeHealthy Joe Biden has left the border wide open acting like the criminal administration they are allowing 85,000 minors unaccompanied across the border to disappear in the country and become slave labor..go stick it up your a**

She should be charged with child abuse. How about we fix the immigration system and allow more immigrants into the country to do the jobs no one else wants so children can go to school, learn and enhance their future prospects rather than forcing them into labor. 🤬😤😠😡

R’s love their labour.

Guess what state will now have sweat shops again?

This is all about taking more taxes... Republicans don't give a damn about's all a slave farm and pedophile ring

Taking kids to drag shows is dangerous, but bringing Timmy on the factory floor to work his shift is just fine. 🤷‍♂️

Welcome to the Middle Ages.

Horrid creature

Good for her. She is doing incredible things as Governor right out of the gates.

Child labor coming back strong.

Changing child labor laws and trying to raise retirement age to 70. You are nothing more than a slave to pay taxes to the elite. They could have more workers if they let in immigrants!

One must make sure that only the youth who she believes deserve school choice should have it....the rest of you into your caste position in society as determined by wealthy, tea party members.

But, but I thought they were into protecting children 🤔 That's only protecting them from books, drag queens and history! Silly me! 🙄

democrats will be like.......... NO, my govt should have to give permission for 16 yr olds to get a job.

Sounds like SLAVERY to me.

She stated they would still have to comply with federal child labor laws

I still can’t believe she’s only 40. God, she’s disgusting in every way.

This is disgusting

Why not, democrat's slaves from open borders are younger.

Lmfao they want children to have eventual slave labor again.


SarahHuckabee is on the job two months and sells out the safety of children so companies can save a few bucks.

Took too long but glad we are here now. Put down the tiktok and pick up a chisel you ungrateful brats.


Such a brillant skank

That isn’t good for Children .

She’s even worse for the people of Arkansas than I thought she’d be!

SarahHuckabee This was a terrible decision Sarah

Damn, we skipped the 1950’s and going back to the 1910’s eh?

It's happening in All Red states, education for the wealthy, work for the poor


But why? how will the state monitor child labor?

Arkansas 🤣you're trash.

I thought you loved children?

Got my first job 9 working for a quarter a hour. If this country would put younguns to work, instead of letting them decide what gender they are, or what race they identify as there’d be a lot less marijuana smokers in this country I can tell ya that much

Since 10 yr old rape/insist victims will have to carry pregnancies to term, then the ability to get a job will be very important, right?

How about being the kid with the stun gun responsible for knocking cattle cold before their throats are slit to “humanely” slaughter them? Would that be fine white kids, like maybe hers, in a couple of years? Or desperate children of deliberately impoverished minorities?

I can’t stand this lady but taking summer jobs from the youth was the worst thing to ever happen in this country

And that's how you start getting cheap labor

Started working when I was 14 to earn some pocket money. I think parents have the screening power not the government

Fine so long as they make at least minimum wage...but they shoukd still meet education standards by passing tests, homeschooling. Setting kids on path of a life of min wage work sowant make a lot of sense

Conservative kids under 16 want to work more than libs over 20.

And then we accuse third world countries of slavery, child abuse, etc.

Just wait till the labor department gets done charging her with Child endangerment and Human Trafficking.

More regressive policies from the GOP. This is what they voted for. So now they reap their rewards. Hope it is worth it.


Sad! What is the point of this and what does she hope to accomplish, certainly she is not looking to protect children?

What 1900's child labor laws ⁉️

GOP for child labor the Christian Party.

Good deal.

How children under 16 can protect themselves from harm at work

They loved their black slaves … now they have child slaves … no matter the color …

Let’s go back to Medieval times when children worked the fields…

What do you think?

hmm weird. it's almost as if they don't care about the children they claim to care about

I had a work permit at 14 or 15 so long as my grades were not affected.

Where is she going to hie when the children start dying?

Why is this necessary?

Gop 'we want to protect children' also gop 'let's remove protections or child labor endangering children'

She better have read this first.

How does the state 'verifying' the age of children under 16 before they can be hired change anything ?

Where are the Feds?

It’s been 14 years & 11 months in Australia for ‘yonks’ (that’s a long time)

How about cleaning blades in meat plants?

Another horror of a human being, honed by Trump, determined to methodically undue all that’s good in America. Where are the real leaders?

What happened to follow the law ? It's for the child's safety but she doesn't care it's all about businesses can hire Kids for Cheap Labor Shame on her I guess she wants China Child labor...sure looks like it to me

Great news for that generation, let’s build work ethic into them as we did for the great generations born before 1990


Children under 16 can get puberty blockers and sex change, but they should not be able to get jobs. 🤣🤣FoxNews MSNBC TheView elonmusk NikkiHaley CNN ksorbs RealDeanCain greggutfeld jimmykimmel colbertlateshow

Good luck people of Arkansas.

UGLY, DISGUSTING Piece of COLD S%tty B%CH! There is almost NO LOWEST moral & conscience point to descend to than this CRIMINAL female governor! REMOVE her creepy perverted heartless, brain-deprived, dark-soul crossed-eyed creature from office!!!

Oh, Miss Sarah…thank you for bringing back child labor! And your kids are the first in line, right?

The evil was won. By and with your team. trumphasAteam..

'Look, I'm 11 years old, I live in Arkansas, and I've got kids to feed!'

Hypocrisy is a republican trademark. The party of “family values” is perfectly fine with facilitating child exploitation

Country Trash

She is really Mike Huckabee in drag!

Child labor lives!

This opens up a world of opportunities for kids wanting to make money the old fashioned way.

Awesome! Sarah Huckabee can now forcibly remove 7-year-olds from school and send them to the fields and factories for 16-hour daily shifts! Arkansas will soon have the richest economy in the U.S. Just think about how much MONEY all the businesses will make!!

There we go! I can just see the 16 hour days in the textile factories. Making Amerika Great Again, one backasswards part at a time.

Just like the good old Charles Dickens days. Maybe rent a few out from the orphages too

Let me guess she wants sweatshop in her state

What could go wrong?

Different kind of slaves?! 🤮‼️

This thing is trouble!!

Republicans banning books at schools, giving children freedumb from education, freedumb to work & get married. We’re becoming Afghanistan with so much RepublicanFascist freedom. The GOP is here to exploit our children, force them to breed, & block them from getting an education.

Well yeah

Anybody that is shitposting this is probably leftist loser who didn’t work as a kid.

LoL so they can't work if they want to...hasan be like this is slavery

Clutch your pearls..... Government shouldn't have a say in it at all.

Now tell me again how you care about kids please.

He must be mounting sweatshops.

Up next, owning the libs on the environment with child labor..

We call this child slavery. Kids should be in school, enjoying what's left of those special years, not hacking away at the coalface.

The Apple don’t fall to far from the Trump 🌲. Any chance to change the law for their benefits, why not.

Both my kids worked at 14 but needed working papers and there are laws in MA of what they can and can’t do, how many hours, etc. ya know, child labor laws.

That woman looks just like a hog.

Now they don't even/ever respect children who now can be taken advantage of by 'sick' adults.

Ahh, so Huckabee wants the level of education in Arkansas to further decline.

Yeah, they can't get birth control or a drivers license, but they sure as hell can make money to keep mama and daddy off the welfare rolls. She sees that as a way to save the state money.


Republicans really hate children.

When the first kid gets killed then Arkansas has Sarah Huckabee Sanders to blame for changing that law.

Wtf? Did they run out of age appropriate workers to exploit?

This part of Huckabee 2023 Labor Law change is questionable! “ (They will no longer need to get an employment certificate, which verified their age, described their work and work schedule, and included written consent from a parent or guardian.)”

Good. The first ones to benefit from this are family-run businesses. Democrats don’t understand this because to them, small business are just something to boycott, loot or burn.

Who needs child labor laws What could possibly go wrong?

Good!! Old values worked!!!

Make Child Labor Great Again!

Making America 1850 again

My question is why

Children must have a good educational base. They are the future of our nation.

They really want to go back in time dont they?

Corporate cost reduction. All of the shitty things we do every day to make the 1% richer

I started working at 14. Teach kids responsibilities

A champion for the rights of children. Bring them into the world and a week later send them to work!!! Good stuff

Does 'relaxation' of ChildLaborLaws in Arkansas render the oldest of Sarah Huckabee Sanders' kids old enough to work? Grassroots supporters of pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps Republicans must HATE family dynasties & inherited wealth, right? SarahHuckabee, coattail rider

Child slave labor... .SarahHuckabee what a pathetic display of BULL💩!

I had “working papers” when I was in NEPA meaning my parents and a judge had to approve my working in a restaurant before I was 16. Didnt need papers to deliver the moring timestribune paper in the morning.

Maybe her kids are old enough to work now

So when will her kids show up for duty? If she thinks this is such a good idea, no problem putting her kids in a sweat shop, right?

Child labor great job. Sure glad I don’t live in that state!


Republicans taking the US right back to 1885

Protecting kids from drag queens so they can work the mines.

That was quick. Already implementing child labor. Won't be needing that new fangled edumacation they just got.

Good for her

kimberlyhebert 🧙‍♀️

Oh wow , what else marriage under 15? She’s crazy

They better know their FEDERAL rights “Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), also known as the child labor laws”

Child brides next I assume?

SarahHuckabee Unhinged WorstGovernorEver

Why pay a living wage when you can use child labor 👍🏼 🤗

Child labor…. The solution to AR being 44th in the US in education.

I was employed by Michigan’s largest print media company when I was 11-12.

All of the commenters who are mocking this decision have obviously never grown up on a farm or even in a rural community.

It’s Arkansas, they’re 47th in the nation in education level, this is not surprising, just par for the course.

I wonder if she minds them getting the permission of the parents first, tho.

Child labor. So wrong.

Now she can close the division of labor.

That’s good I started working mowing and shoveling snow at 8 years old part time job after school 4 days a week and it kept me out of trouble

Hmmm, what benefit does she or Arkansas gain by employing children under the age of 16?

Work papers are a waste of time. Is there really anyone who gets turned down for them. As long as basic protection regarding hours and type of work are in place no need for more

omargallardo Believe or not, this is embarrassing to least it should be!

Kids should be allowed to work at age 14 with no permission. This was an overreach.

Who loves child trafficking

Kids can work but not read whatever they want? Surely benefits her donors but not the children.

Leftist Logic: Children under 16 should be allowed to consent to the removal of their breasts and/or reproductive organs Also Children under 16 shouldn’t be allowed to flip burgers for extra cash…you know…to protect them

But protect the kids!!!

All Republicans care about is having workers to fill jobs and pay taxes. They care so much they're forcing births and changing child labor laws...but be darned if they want any immigrants.

I've known people in Washington state to work as young as 14. This ain't new.

Well with Americas lack of labour & employment laws. The power imbalance of the corporate sector and this adolescent work force will lead to abuse 🤷🏽‍♂️ Americans attitudes towards these minimum wage earners are spread across social media, or as you call them “burger flippers” !!


Child labor. Perfect for Arkansas. Less education and more low income workers.

The only permission they need is their parents.

Can they do this in Virginia? My brothers need to start working

The party of family values.

So that’s why they are anti-abortion, need kids in factories working like China, cheap pay


Cool, so “PROTECT THE KIDS!” only, not really.

disgusting SarahHuckabee

Continuing the Arkansas tradition of doing away with education.

Because she cares about children

Well that’s illegal

Rolling the country back to pre-Roosevelt regulation…Teddy Roosevelt.

A job would be better than looting

Hey times are tough and families need all the members contributing

That's great. Maybe this will teach kids to work instead of being lazy democrats waiting for a free handout.

Did she say why?

Working in a coal mine going down down down...

Traitor governor

What a sad and sick governor, pathetic and soulless.


WHY can't MAGA voters see through the GOP Machine? fcs, republicans want your kids uneducated and working entry level jobs to keep the 1%' cogs spinning... WakeUpAmerica

Great news!!!!! {work hard, play hard}

They are laying a foundation to exploit children. Employers want ways to have low pay no benefits to increase profits.

We already know these lazy kids today will not work.

So republicans like to advise children without their parents or use them labor jobs but when democrat governors advise healthcare or science study for children republicans have issues

Not right, as they need to have fun. Much too young to work.

TysonFoods how dare you illegally employ kids to work cleaning your factory floors.

Child labor good, Drag Storytime bad. Conservatives are doing great. 🙄

Best way to teach young people about work ethic and self reliance

SarahHuckabee is bowing to the blood-sucking PriceGouging corporations. Children are paid less than Adults. FollowTheMoney 💰

It's called BABYSITTING. Right of passage. Now get to work. And NO boys in the house!😉

Then she’ll take away their social security when they’re 60

Taking money from public schools for the private schools that teach hate and racism and now allowing children to be used as pawns glad I don’t live in Arkansas

And? Remember, many people think kids under 16 can choose their own gender. Also, no days, kids don't want to work. They expect everything given to them

What could possibly go wrong

Child labor alive and well in Arkansas. But God forbid that they can control what happens to their bodies.

That’s why they want all the babies! It all makes sense now. 🤦‍♀️

All this does is remove unneeded bureaucracy.

It is obvious, this woman is not thinking about her kids just because this law will never affect her kids. This law will affect low-income families and immigrants looking for a job

It should read: '...Huckabee Sanders has signed a law allowing companies to hire children under the age of 16 without permission from the State.' Legalizing child exploitation. Wonder who paid for that?

12 months later...

I expect that Gov Sanders will see that her own children are first to take advantage of this opportunity to acquire some early work experience.

2023 GOP — pro insurrection and child labor.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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