SINGAPORE: A 33-year-old company director was sentenced to 12 weeks' jail on Wednesday for conspiring with workers to inflate their salaries on paper to get more grants under a career conversion programme.pleaded guilty last month to two charges of cheating. Another two counts of falsifying payslips and an employment contract were taken into consideration for sentencing.
Participating companies receive salary support and course fee funding based on a percentage of the worker's fixed monthly salary, subject to a cap. Xu studied the programme application criteria to determine the amount of salary to falsely declare and fixed the amount so that 7W Consultancy would receive the maximum salary support of S$4,000 per month for three months.Lim signed the application form containing the false declaration and it was submitted together with falsified payslips and an employment contract.
Xu falsely declared in the PCP application form that Chen's gross monthly salary was S$5,600, said the police.