What happened when AI avatars were let loose in virtual town

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This is what happened when 25 AI avatars were let loose in a virtual town

set out to see what they'd get up to — and turns out they aren't all that different than real people.

To do this, researchers created 25 AI agents with different identities and watched how they interacted with each other and their environment in a virtual town called"Smallville," which includes a dorm, park, school, cafe, bar, houses, and stores. To simulate human behavior, researchers used GPT 3.5, the model behind, to prompt the agents on the backend to perform specific tasks like read a book or talk to a librarian.

AI avatars named Isabella Rodriguez and Tom Moreno, for instance, debated the town's upcoming election. When Isabella asked Tom what he thought of Sam Moore, the candidate running for mayor of Smallville, Tom replied with his opinion.


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