How a fourth traffic light color could make self-driving cars a reality

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The wild traffic hack that could pave the way for self-driving cars

. A radically redesigned traffic light? Good luck getting that approved by your city transportation department before automobiles are replaced by flying cars.

In fact, red means stop and green means go only because people foisted those meanings on them. As the historian Clay McShane wrote,chose red and green because railroad signals used them. Railroads got the idea from ships; coastal lighthouses used red so mariners could tell lighthouses apart from the sea, and green was the color the British admiralty decreed for the starboard side of ships in the 1850s. The thing is, about 8% of men of European descent and 5% of men of Asian descent have.

What ultimately shaped all the new traffic rules, as with every question of public policy, was power and privilege."The way our roads are built — the things that changed the 1890s city to the kind of city we have today — a lot of that came out of conflict between the rights and responsibilities of different kinds of road users," says Cameron Roberts, a sustainability and transportation researcher at the University of Wisconsin. The people who could afford cars were a.


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