,” the groundbreaking Amazon Italian original series centered around identical adolescent teen twins who challenge gender norms in different ways, has been renewed for a second season.
The new season of “Prisma” will return to the tales of a group of restless teenagers from Latina, the small town in the Roman province which used to be a swamp until the land was drained under Fascist rule. The area is now known for modernist architecture, fertile agriculture, and a prosperous rural middle class.
Just like the first season, season two of “Prisma” is produced by Rosario Rinaldo’s Cross Productions for Prime Video. Rosario and Maddalena Rinaldo are producing the second season. Cross Productions – which is owned by Germany’s Beta Film – has now reached a new agreement under which Beta is coming on board as a co-financier.
The deal sees Beta Film selling the second season of “Prisma” in all international territories outside Italy and also internationally distributing the second window of the first season of “Prisma,” which plays globally on Amazon, starting from next year.