CEOs Think Office Mandates Will Improve Company Culture. New Data Says They’re Wrong

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Employees surveyed in the latest study from Future Forum, Slack’s consortium focused on the future of work, say flexible work policies are the primary reason their company culture is improving.

Twenty-five percent of executives in Future Forum’s survey cited “culture is negatively impacted” as a top concern in offering more flexibility and flexible work policies.

“[Bosses] are realizing that if they want to keep their people, they’re going to have to compromise,” Lister says. “Even those that are very against it like Elon Musk are seeing, now that we’re facing recession and pressures for cost reduction, the potential for remote work to dramatically reduce their office space.”

Three quarters of Future Forum respondents said they use the office for collaborating with co-workers and clients, facilitating in-person meetings and building camaraderie while 15% said they use it forLister says hybrid working arrangements have “always led to higher engagement than either fully remote or fully in the office.”


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