YouTube changes its '3 strikes' community guidelines

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

YouTube is implementing a new community enforcement policy as part of its latest attempt to combat the spread of problematic content.


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There is no way to contain all 'problematic content'.

That is truely a bummer, the one place to go for human content being turned even more into pc pc culture. Sad.


I hate censorship as much as anyone and im sure they’ll overdo it, but one big reason is the child pornography. Atleast that’s what they said in the article. Which is obviously fine to censor. Let’s wait to see how this truly manifests itself.

“Problematic content “ = TRUTH

The old 'think of the children' schtick. 'If you don't agree with this then you must want the children to suffer ! ' Who wants to take bets that the 'problematic' content removed most will be political ?

this sounds a little like censorship ... what the hell does it mean by 'problematic content.' that could be anything

What is defined as ‘problematic?’ Pretty sure the British thought our independence in 1776 was ‘problematic.’

YouTube should mind their own instead of harassing channel makers

InOtherRealNews 😮


If there's any term in liberal journalism I hate more it's 'problematic'.

Keep exploring...

And the only problematic content is GOOGLE owning it to begin with.

Yeah, I am sure everyone is so stoked about it.

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