iPhone 15 launch clouded by Apple's China problems

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

Apple will unveil the iPhone 15 on Tuesday amid questions about market access in China and competition.

line-up as questions about market access in China and competition hang over the world’s most valuable listed company.

Huawei wants to gain an edge on Apple with add-on features like satellite calling that relies on China’s government-backed network. Apple’s current iPhone line-up includes satellite capabilities, though they are meant only for emergency situations. “Just like we saw people who aren’t Ultra athletes buy the Apple Watch Ultra, we’re going to see a bunch of people buy this even if they aren’t camera or photography enthusiasts, just because they like the latest and greatest,” said Ben Bajarin, CEO and principal analyst of Creative Strategies. “That by itself creates that buzz and momentum and allure to the top end.”


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