“Despite the fact that the average retail price of sugar remains the same, the average farmgate price of raw sugar which hovered between P2,500.00 to P2,750.00 per bag during the first two weeks of CY 2023-2024 continues to go down, to the detriment of the sugar farmers, allegedly by reason of oversupply,” the SRA said.
Meanwhile, refined sugar is in the range of P80 to P110, washed sugar is priced between P79 to P95, and brown sugar falls within the P75 to P95 range.LIST: Catch up with your best bud this month with these super buy 1 get 1 dealsLast chance for sulit deals! Lazada 10.10 Sale extended until October 14!Rather than focus on world-shaking events , I choose a topic of community interest today.Telco newcomer Dito Telecommunity Corp.
Integrated energy company Semirara Mining and Power Corp. will reward its shareholders this year with the company’s highest total dividend payout in history.