that the plan outlines operational and financial initiatives to be implemented over the next 18 months. It's hoped the focus on freight rail will help reverse a R,7,5 billion loss reported in September. The company has been rocked by a number ofTwo people, including a pilot, died after a fixed-wing aircraft they were flying crashed at Springs Airfield in Ekurhuleni on Saturda, October 14, 2023,.
SANDF Sent Soldiers to Cuba for Medical Training That Cost More Than Double What It Would Have Cost Locally Medical training for South African troops in Cuba was 136% more expensive than an equivalent tertiary course in South Africa. The Department of Defence could have saved over R122 million if soldiers studied locally in South Africa.that these were the findings of the Auditor-General , who placed the DOD contract with Cuba - called Project Thusano - under the magnifying glass as it scrutinised the department's 2022/23 annual report in Parliament.
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