Under the new plans, cutting-edge technology could help recognise lorries' number plate on arrival allowing those previously declared at customs to pass straight through the control - avoiding long queues and a hard borderFRANCE is promising business a “smart border” to solve Calais chaos in the event of a No Deal.
Arch Brexiteer MPs leapt on the revelation yesterday to say it proved cutting edge technology could be used to solve the row over the Irish border.Cutting-edge technology could be the solution to avoid a hard border with Calais, hauliers would enter a customs declaration before travel – generating a specific bar code.
‘Smart’ cameras would then use number plate recognition to identify lorries on arrival – checking the vehicle against the load in “real time”. Drivers would then be guided towards a “green” channel automatically, allowing them pass straight through the customs control - or diverted to an “orange” lane for checks.
Eurosceptics said it showed Theresa May had been wrong to dismiss technological solutions and “trusted trader” schemes to avoid the need for a hard border in Ireland a year ago.‘alternative arrangements’ to help avoid a backstopEx-Tory party leader Iain Duncan Smith last night said: “This is proof positive if proof was needed that Alternative Arrangements proposed by the group absolutely do work. There is no need to spend time developing new technologies – all the technology exists.