The most significant change will be speed. Voice will make every device interaction at least three times faster because we speak about three times faster than we can type and at least five times faster than we can text . Any time an interface transformation like this occurs, the resulting tsunami alters every industry.
Of course, Siri and Alexa have been around for a decade — so, why the sudden change? Several technology shifts are happening at once. First, voice recognition and transcription technology — speech-to-text — now exceeds 98% accuracy . Second, response speed is increasing because much of the processing is happening on the device vs. the cloud. Third, as conversational AI and generative AI merge, the response via LLMs is improving exponentially.
So, what happens when we merge conversational AI and generative AI ? Siri/Alexa are"doing" machines, and ChatGPT/LLMs are"knowing" or"thinking" machines. Siri/Alex can't create content or responses the way ChatGPT can, but ChatGPT can't tell you what the weather is or turn on the heat.
When Steve Jobs opened the iPhone to app developers in 2008, no one guessed that this marked the beginning of the end of the taxi industry, as Uber and Lyft used the new technology to disrupt a 100-year-old business model. Today, we are on the edge of a similar tech tsunami that will transform entire industries, whether or not they’re prepared for this change.