Looking Back at the Gaming Highlights and Disappointments of 2023

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Gaming News


Join us as we reflect on the highs and lows of the gaming industry in 2023, including our favorite games, the biggest disappointments, and the most delightful surprises.

As the air turns increasingly cold and families gather to celebrate the holidays, it’s time to get comfy and reminisce about the year that was. 2023 had more than its fair share of highs and lows, so join us for one last look back as we remember our favorite games, as well as the most crushing disappointments and the most delightful surprises that the past 12 months had to offer. The Biggest Gaming Disappointments Of 2023 Good job folks, that’s another year down.

This year, like so many recent years, was a mess as we continued to deal with the ongoing effects of the pandemic while governments and businesses around the world pretended everything is better now. And now, I can’t even complain about it on Twitter because the site sucks, is always broken, and is called X. Thanks, Elon Musk! - Zack Zwiezen Read More The State Of Xbox And Game Pass In 2023 On paper, Microsoft did what it needed to do in 2023 to improve on a quiet, somewhat empty 2022. But it also enacted layoffs and took some public beatings in court as it tried to become even bigge


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