Wind turbine blades could be turned into giant batteries, says Swedish firm

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Batteries News

Energy &Amp,Environment,Wind Turbine

The company's expertise lies electrochemically charging carbon fiber, a component of wind turbines, electric vehicles and even buildings.

Sinonus’ tech can charge carbon fiber, a component of turbine blades, and use it to store energy like a battery.Not just turbine blades but anything made using carbon fiber could be turned into an energy storage unit thanks to Sinonus’ pioneering tech that was researched at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.

As the world looks for cleaner ways to meet its energy demands through wind and solar power plants, large energy storage devices that can store excess energy for times when the sun isn’t shining, and the wind isn’t blowing are also needed. Most solutions in this domain are currently based on the lithium-ion battery, which is the best energy storage tech on the planet.However, Sinonus’ innovative technology can deliver energy storage for nothing. Carbon fiber is a strong yet lightweight material used in the construction of a wide variety of modern structures.

Now, through its spin-off, the technology will also be made available to others. The company is focused on using turbine blades as stores of energy. Turbine blades are made from carbon fiber, and adding the ability of energy storage to the setup can deliver a better return on investment for the sector.To demonstrate the technology, Sinonus has begun replacing AAA batteries in low-power products with its carbon-fiber charging with successful results.


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