McLuhan’s teacher/mentor at the University of Toronto . Innis was the author of a number of studies which, in retrospect, might help explain the stereotypical Canadian talent for communication. He traveled the transnational Canadian railroad to explain how rail helped to bind a nation challenged by the tyranny of distance. And he helped to explain how distance can be shrunken by media in two ways: geographically and historically .
Rick Moranis, Howie Mandel, Jim Carrey, and many others honed their craft. When prepping for this article, I wondered if Waxman could help me understand the Canadian mind for communications and comedy.I think Canadians are naturally funny because we're outsiders to American culture, and just want to take part and be noticed,” says Waxman. “Sure, we have Canadian movies, TV shows, and comedians. But we also watch all the U.S. TV shows, movies, comedy specials.