When foreigners began attacking Canada’s oil industry, Ottawa turned a blind eye. Now it’s getting worse

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Business Business Headlines News

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Diane Francis: Foreign money funds anti-pipeline lobbyists resulting in Liberals’ economically suicidal legislation like Bill C-69

U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has unearthed the danger Russians pose to all democracies through their dirty tricks, lobbying efforts, hacking, and social media propaganda campaigns.

Yet Canada’s oil and pipeline industry, and democracy, have already been greatly damaged by Russians, Americans, and others for years. And such attacks, for political reasons, were ignored. The NDP and Greens — and now the Liberals with two disastrous pieces of legislation aimed against Alberta oil — march alongside the damaging “Tar Sands Campaign” south of the border that aims to strand Canada’s most valuable resource assets.

Their efforts have become more sophisticated, across Canada, and have helped push the Liberals to pass Bill C-69 and Bill C-48, the West Coast tanker ban. Both are economically suicidal, given Canada’s huge resource base. Newly elected Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has finally promised to do what Ottawa should have done years ago — hold a public inquiry into the funding of environmental organizations that have campaigned against pipelines, namely three B.C.-based organizations.


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This is why we need Jason Kenney. His WarRoom idea is brilliant. 👍

Most of Canada's oil industry is owned by foreigners. It's right there, in your own newspaper.

Trudeau had time to snivel for votes while celebrating Ramadan today but doesn't utter a word about this disgrace. Some leader. Can't wait to see him go.

They are pulling the Russian card? As in, The Russians are coming, the Red Threat and MAD? Environmentalists MUST be winning if the PCs are trying to make us 'paranoid of pinkos' in Canada... Russian funded, Russian backed, indeed... I am itching to hear more rhetoric...

Look how the USA doesn't like russian meddling , they spent over $40 million investigating it.

Foreign interference in National affairs should be treated harshly.

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly (d) freedom of association.

'Ottawa' 5 Months or Less RCMP TeamJackwagon 🤡 BecauseIts a GongShow TrudeauJr PeterPanPM AtwalKhadrBoyleISISIran Sockboy UsefulIdiot2TheWorld PeopleKind MagicKingdom

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