AOC grills CEO over HIV drug: ‘Why is it $2,000 in the US and $8 in Australia?'

  • 📰 The Independent
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Alexandria Ocasio Cortez delivered a fiery takedown of the CEO of Gilead, the company that makes the HIV drug Truvada for PrEP over its price. During a congressional hearing, Ocasio-Cortez pushed

"The current list price is $1,780 in the United States and just to correct the three billion is a global figure.""So the list price is almost $2,000 in the United States. Why is it eight dollars in Australia?""Truvada still has patent protection in the United States. And the rest is generic.


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What I love about articles like this is there's literally z-e-r-o research on why Australia' s generic drugs are so much cheaper. You just roll with it and pander to a base. nice job.


Just a thought But could it have something to do with MASSIVE PROFIT MARGINS

Can’t they work out the answer to that ?numnuts

. . . why does the person have HIV when science and the U.S. public has known for decades how not to acquire AIDS? Shouldn't that be THE QUESTION?

She finally asked an intelligent question ! I wonder who coached her ?

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AOC asks pharma CEO why $2,000 HIV drug costs just $8 in AustraliaCompany generated $3bn in revenues in 2018 Resting B face She is amazing. If you can afford to live in this great country, you can afford a few bucks for a medicine. SarcasmYouIdiot.
Source: The Independent - 🏆 80. / 59 Read more »