64% Of New Hires Will Leave Their Jobs Because Of This Experience, A New Survey Shows

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Here's why more than half of new hires end up leaving a company:

Finding quality talent is a challenge, but keeping them happy poses an even greater difficulty as employee However, new research shows that when it comes to staying at a job, more than half of new employees ultimately trace their decision to leave back to one experience in particular, and it can help to shed light on where companies and individuals looking to hire should be placing their energy and resources.

About 33% of people"dread" adapting to office politics more than learning protocol or filling out paperwork.believe the best way to get acclimated to a new job is by making friends in the workplace organically, as opposed to being paired with someone for orientation. What does this mean for you as a potential employee, or a potential employer? Well, it's all about communication.


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