#PICInquiry: Dan Matjila tried to defend the PIC from state capture | IOL Business Report

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PICInquiry: Former Public Investment Corporation CEO Dr Dan Matjila on Tuesday told of how he and his colleagues worked hard to defend the PIC from StateCapture during his 15-year tenure at the state-owned asset manager.

Former Public Investment Corporation CEO Dr Dan Matjila on Tuesday told of how he and his colleagues worked hard to defend the PIC from State Capture during his 15-year tenure at the state-owned asset manager.

This, he said was to familiarise themselves with the operations of the PIC. He said Gigaba later indicated he was happy with the briefing session by the exco. The chairman of the IC Roshan Morar had already served two consecutive terms of three years and would be prevented for serving a third term if the old MOI was reinstated.


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