#PICInquiry: I had to put out fires after the Nogu emails - Matjila | IOL Business Report

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PICInquiry: Former PIC CEO, Dr Dan Matjila told the commission how he had to put out fires around allegations contained in an email sent by whistle-blower James Nogu. busrep

Former Public Investment Corporation CEO, Dr. Dan Matjila, entered his third day of testimony at the Commission of Inquiry into alleged impropriety at the PIC, by stating how he had to put out fires around allegations contained in an email sent by whistle-blower James Nogu.

In his testimony, Matjila highlighted it all began when he had been contacted by two reporters appraising him of stories they were running on claims that he had allegedly bankrolled Louw. Matjila also said, prior to traveling to the United States in September 2017, he met with Mkhwanazi and Buthelezi at a lounge at OR Tambo airport.

It is at that meeting, he said, that Buthelezi also castigated him about the matter of the National Empowerment Fund’s application for R3 billion funding from the PIC.


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busrep Those Buthelezi siblings may have somethings to answer for.

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