Netflix Vet Devin Griffin Joins BET As GM Of Subscription Streaming Service

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Business Business Headlines News

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BET Networks said Devin Griffin is joining the company as General Manager of BET+, the network’s forthcoming subscription streaming offering. BET+, whose launch date and pricing has not yet b…

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Griffin will be based in LA, reporting to BET Networks president Scott Mills. As GM, Griffin will manage the BET+ P&L and oversee business strategy and operations, including original programming, content acquisitions, marketing, distribution, planning and analysis. “We are thrilled to have Devin join the BET family and lead our new streaming service BET+. His fresh perspective and expertise in curating premium content will strengthen our position in the streaming landscape and drive subscriber growth, viewership and retention,” Mills said.

“I am beyond excited to be joining the BET brand at such a pivotal time in the industry. With BET+, I see a big opportunity to provide powerful, comprehensive programming to African Americans, and lovers of black culture, in the SVOD space. This audience has a voracious appetite for quality, authentic black stories and has been under-served for too long,” Griffin said.

During his tenure at Netflix, Devin also worked extensively on scripted drama, comedy, sci-fi, and anime. Devin brought a distinctive curatorial lens to the service, programming global hits such as the Emmy Award-winning


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