Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam: I regret how the scandal over a 1980s racist photo was handled

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Business Business Headlines News

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Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) joins CNBC's Scott Cohn to discuss why his state was named America's Top State for Business in 2019.

told CNBC on Wednesday that he regrets the way his administration handled a scandal over a blackface photograph from the 1980s.

"The occurrences in February hurt Virginians, confused Virginians. I regret that. We didn't handle it as well as we should have," Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam said in a interview. "I have traveled around Virginia. I have listened and learned a lot. I still have a lot to learn, but the more I know the more I can do."after a racist photo from his 1984 medical school yearbook surfaced earlier this year. The photo showed one person in a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood and another person in blackface. Northam originally apologized before saying that neither person in the photo was him.

Both of Northam's potential successors were also embroiled in scandal at the same time the governor was under fire. A college professor accused Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of forcing her to perform oral sex on him at a hotel in 2004, and Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to using blackface in the 1980s.

Northam pledged to devote the rest of his time as governor to addressing racial inequality, citing an


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Typical. Just regrets getting caught.

But not that he was racist?

Is 59 years after birth too old to abort?

Oh BS. The only thing he regrets is the photo getting made public.

Never once has racist RalphNortham apologized for wearing blackface or dressing up as a klansman but the Dems will give him a free pass just because of his party affiliation.

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