The pilots who fly your Amazon packages were getting paid way below industry standards. Then they started calling in sick with little notice.

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Union leadership for the pilots 'categorically' deny that they encouraged the pilots to call in sick.

There's been an uptick of short-notice sick leave among the pilots who deliver your Amazon Prime packages, according to a July 5 ruling from the US Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. These pilots work for Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, a cargo airline that contracts to Amazon, the US military, DHL, and others.

There's been an uptick of short-notice sick leave among the pilots who deliver your Amazon Prime packages, according to a July 5 ruling from the US Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. These pilots work for Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, a cargo airline that contracts to Amazon, the US military, DHL, and others.


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Good. Free market at work.

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