Egypt unveils 5,000 year old artifacts near Sneferu's Pyramid - SABC News - Breaking news, special reports, world, business, sport coverage of all South African current events. Africa's news leader.

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Egypt unveils 5,000 year old artifacts near Sneferu's Pyramid via SABCNewsOnline

Tourists will now be able to clamber down a 79-metre narrow tunnel from a raised entrance on the pyramid’s northern face, to reach two chambers deep inside the4,600-year-old structure.

The “Bent” Pyramid is one of two built for Fourth Dynasty founding pharaoh Sneferu in Dahshur, at the southern end of the Memphis necropolis that starts at Giza. Its appearance is unusual. The angular shape contrasts with the straight sides of Sneferu’s Red Pyramid just to the north, the first of ancient Egypt’s fully formed pyramids and the next step towards the Great Pyramid of Giza. Architects changed the angle when cracks started appearing in the structure, said Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities.


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