Gibraltar Crescent site put up for sale to pilot dementia care village

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

THE Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), on behalf of the Ministry of Health (MOH), has launched a site at Gibraltar Crescent for sale by public tender to pilot a new residential care community concept for people with dementia. Read more at The Business Times.

THE Urban Redevelopment Authority , on behalf of the Ministry of Health , has launched a site at Gibraltar Crescent for sale by public tender to pilot a new residential care community concept for people with dementia.

The maximum permissible gross floor area is 9,170 sq m, with another 900 sq m for extensions to the 10 existing buildings. The concept proposals will be evaluated against criteria such as suitability of the proposed overall model of care for persons with dementia and quality of the care programmes and services.


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