Kyoto Animation is renowned for anime TV series and films such as ‘A Silent Voice.’
Kyoto Animation, based in Japan’s ancient capital of Kyoto, is known for popular series such as “K-On!”, “Haruhi Suzumiya”, “Sound! Euphonium” and the 2016 hit film “A Silent Voice”. Its “Free! Road to the World – The Dream” movie is due for release this month. “It’s one of the best and largest animation firms in Japan, and with that loss of life, many of the best hands at animation in the nation are likely to be dead,” Maeda said, his voice shaking. “It’s too painful to contemplate.”
While some companies, such as Hayao Miyazaki’s “Studio Ghibli” were well known for the limpidness of their scenery and use of colours, or their detailed drawings, the strengths of Kyoto Animation, founded in 1981, stretched across the board.