Amazon Investment in India Ties Into Retail Chain

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has pledged to invest $5 billion in India, and the company looks set to go head-to head with Walmart


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POTUS VP Walmart GovMikeHuckabee And may God help Walmart prevail. Companies' biggest mistake is thinking that online sales are a substitute to local sales which it is NOT, amazon tapped an underserved market segment. But many want to buy local with a company they trust.

Hooray for monopoly and oligarchy!!

Investing in sweat shops.

JeffBezos And yet, Prime members can get a 2-day package like they claim.

O importante é que o Cleveland Browns ganhou. O resto não importa mais!

He will build in India and prob pay these poor people $3/day. What a weasel.

Amazon investing in a place with low-cost labor? Nnnaaaaaahhhh

Jeff Bezos & the Waltons are all greedy monsters. They should pay their employees a living wage.

Walmart found it difficult to enter the Indian market because of the government protection of its small retail sector.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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