Belfast shipyard Harland and Wolff saved in £6m buyout

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Closure-threatened Belfast shipyard Harland and Wolff has been saved after the business was bought for £6m.

All workers at the plant who did not take voluntary redundancy when the yard went into administration will now keep their jobs.

InfraStrata boss John Wood said:"Harland and Wolff is a landmark asset and its reputation as one of the finest multi-purpose fabrication facilities in Europe is testament to its highly skilled team in Belfast." Welcoming the deal, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Julian Smith said:"I am delighted by the news that InfraStrata have purchased the Harland and Wolff shipyard and retained the skills and experience of the existing workforce."I firmly believe that the shipyard has a promising future and that InfraStrata's plans present an exciting opportunity for both Belfast and Northern Ireland's manufacturing and energy sectors.


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Source: BBCNews - 🏆 3. / 97 Read more »