The country’s premier, Li Keqiang, has wooed foreign companies with noticeable enthusiasm this month, telling a.
There are always the desperate fools all too eager to take advantage of the Chinese Communist Party’s latest offering. Once bitten twice shy obviously does not apply in the case of China ‘Investments’ (or should they be more accurately described as political donations to the CCP)
Is Jeremy Corbyn attending?
There is a DNC convention this week?
Choice of the least resistant path is the law of Nature. Energy always flows through the least resistant path. In choosing the least resistant path, turbulence can be seen. A rock in the river bottom creates turbulence in river flow! Throw away the Chinese rocks for smooth flow!
Communism and capitalism are a bit of a contradiction. How exactly does a free market exist in a society that doesn't have freedom? Capitalism depends on innovation and innovation depends on the freedom to innovate.
The next five-year economic blueprint is on the agenda (...) – That's really stupid: a 'free' market economy with a 5-year plan... oh wait, it's not really free! :-) :-) China will go down, really down! No 5 or 10 year plan will help! :-) realDonaldTrump POTUS DonaldJTrumpJr
“Don’t go; remember how awesome it is to have access to all those poor, exploitable, nonunionized workers? You can work em to death! And we’ll throw in a tax incentive!”
China: we promise not to forcibly harvest your employees’ organs.
These traitors must be punished.
Traitor!!!Slap a 1000% tariff on american companies who place their factories to china.This is absolutely a backstub to american workers!!!Please Pres. realDonaldTrump make them pay for their Traitor Act!!!Buy made in 🇺🇸 products!
China is not our Friend!!! All Americans should not Buy 'Made in China'
Follies: See how charming China is to Uyghurs Tibetans and HongKongers . Why would anyone want to join the line? tt:GordonGChang
I hope our President keeps up the pressure on China for fair trade and human rights
RelentlessYapp Why is Justice Anthony Kennedy shaking hands with the Chinese in this photo
Poor china/wall street and their forced technology/human organ transfers.
Its really funny you guys talk about China as a Democratic Country ....WHEN IT IS NOT ONE!!!! XI JING PING IS A DICTATOR....In case i need to explain this he is like HITLER!!! GET IT?