Sony Music is doubling down on podcasts with new hires - Business Insider

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Internal memo reveals Sony Music's plans to double down on podcast ad sales strategy with four new executive hires

This story requires our BI Prime membership. To read the full article,Sony Music just announced the hire of four new executives to lead its podcast ad sales team.

The new hires are Emily Rasekh, SVP of business development and operations; Brittany Hall, VP of podcasting sales; Ryan Zack, VP of podcasting revenue operations; and Christy Mirabal, VP of podcasting marketing. Since then, the company has signed production deals with The Onion; UK-based, minority-owned Broccoli Content; and director Adam McKay of "The Big Short," who will create several podcast series including one based on the life of the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Rasekh was with Entercom Communications, the country's second-largest radio broadcaster, which merged with CBS Radio in 2017. Hall joins Sony from streaming giant Pandora. Zack managed operations at podcast tech company Megaphone, and Mirabal oversaw partnerships, sponsorships, and editorial content at internet radio brand Stitcher.


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