DA pleased SAA will be put into business rescue | IOL Business Report

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DA pleased SAA will be put into business rescue

JOHANNESBURG - Minister of Public Enterprises P ravin Gordhan has said that the next best option for e mbattled state-owned South African Airways is to be placed into business rescue.

Alf Lees MP - DA member of the standing committee on public accounts - said that the Democratic Alliance was pleased by Gordhan's decision. Lees said in a statement, " The DA has long held that business rescue was the only viable option to prevent SAA from placing any further burden on our ailing economy and the taxpayer. It is very unlikely that the application for business rescue for SAA will be conceded to unless there is a further bailout, presumably amounting to R2 billion, from the South African taxpayer in order to provide the working capital required to enable SAA to continue trading.


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Then the DA is more stupid than I thought. Business rescue only works when there's reasonable prospects of turning things around. SAA has already crashed, so there's nothing to rescue

If crooks like you and Julius are still running lose and able to point fingers at others who you suspect to have committed wrongs like you committed crimes then yes there is no president there and no judiciary

If they are pleased. We are suspicious

WeleSeg Very few people will remember that the NP in its last dying days flirted & then entered into a marriage of convenience with the ANC. I see the same here in not so distant future for these strange bedfellows.

The belief that selling our SOEs to foreign investors will reduce our Government debt is false. Selling SOEs to foreign investors will increase gov debt. Here’s why:

WHO is pleased?

Can it be that afriforum “convinced”Luthulihouse ?

Of course they will be, it’s been their tune for over a decade akere

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