The trebling of tuition fees would unleash a new golden age for English universities, or so we were told. They would become financially sustainable, competitive, liberated from stifling bureaucracy and responsive to the needs of students. And yet, nearly a decade later, higher education is in crisis.
Jämför med Sveriges vinstskolesystem och se samma mönster: ”This grade inflation is truly remarkable: the number of first-class degrees has soared by 80% since the introduction of tuition fees.”
And where will the £19,250 international students pay go?
OwenJones84 Utterly depressing; and a national debacle compounded by the rise of soulless, workless university-centred provinvial cities with the likes of Unite creaming off student debt by building towerblocks as a “market opportunity”.
Market Economics is killing us all.
OwenJones84 Wouldn’t the argument be that tuition fees and the payback are PROGRESSIVE? After all they are a tax on future earning due to education received? The future “poorer” in society can receive an education and NEVER pay the fees back? Free tuition benefits the rich / wealthier?
And where will the £9,250 students pay go now? Most likely in one of the big bosses pockets for not even doing anything. When my lecturers work tirelessly around the clock. Students should be compensated! ucu ucustrikes compensationforunistudents
OwenJones84 Isn’t this contradictory? Tuition fees have formed part of a full-frontal assault on the living standards of a generation battered by a housing crisis, stagnating wages and slashed services. And with 83% of student loans forecast to never be paid back in full
Supply and demand.... The market will determine the value and viability of your institution. Passing on your failure to taxpayers won’t solve a systemic inability to manage funds at institutions of higher learning. Ironically, these institutions are supposed to teach just this.
ai is more intelligent