when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The lifespan of the virus varies depending on the type of surface it lives on and can change according to temperature and humidity.
Dr. Mary E. Schmidt, an associate professor of Clinical Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University, told Business Insider that the bottoms of shoes can be a troublesome place when it comes to spreading germs. Public health specialist Carol Winner said that keeping worn shoes in a separate area of the home or in a basket by the door is a great way to isolate any germs that the shoes might be carrying.
Environmental toxin expert Tonya Harris also recommended wearing Crocs when leaving the house. She said that if someone were to go about cleaning their Crocs, they should be sure to use wipes that have at least 70% alcohol and leave the alcohol on the shoes for a couple of minutes to make sure the shoe gets fully disinfected.3. Make sure you hands are clean before disinfecting your own shoesExperts advise that people make sure their hands are clean when they go to disinfect their shoes.
BorisJohnson said he owed his life to..... coronavirus Covid_19