If you find yourself at home with a lot of free time on your hands, consider learning the basics of coding.Here are eight free online courses on everything from JavaScript to SQL, from the platforms recommended by Gates.To help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, which is again spiking across the country, millions of people are practicing social distancing and staying indoors.are receiving unemployment benefits right now, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics most recent data.
The great news is that there are plenty of resources out there to learn. But which class should you choose?shared a few online learning platforms he loves. They include Khan Academy and Code.org, which each have hundreds of videos and classes in computer programming. Khan Academy's "videos are a tremendous resource on topics ranging from basic arithmetic to complicated subjects like electrical engineering," Gates said.Intro to ProgrammingGates said that having a basic understanding of coding helps develop critical thinking.
"The questions it teaches you to ask — How do you accomplish a task? Can you find a pattern? What data do you need? — are useful no matter where you go in life,"