A florist may use an online store, email marketing, and Facebook when they open their business. Then, six months down the road, they may add Instagram as an additional social media channel, turn infrequent marketing email into a weekly newsletter, and expand the number of products they offer online.
Here is an overview of the different types of channels to help you pick the right combination for your business. should be a top priority. While it’s possible to sell products using online checkout links, an online store gives you credibility and builds SEO for your business. With an online store, you can showcase your products, take payments securely, and acquire data to help you grow your business. Online eCommerce platforms, such as Square, provide you with the tools you need to run your business so you can focus on providing great customer service.. When building your online store, create a site that represents your company. Add your company logo, design the store using your business colors, and write the text in the tone you use to communicate with customers.
Many businesses mistakenly focus their social media posts only on their business and products. In addition to information like new products, specials, and modified hours, share information and articles that will be of interest to your customers. And be sure to encourage people to engage with your business through these channels. Remember, building a business in today’s landscape is about building relationships with your customers.
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