Airlines accepting the aid will be required to bring back furloughed workers and also agree to similar conditions from the March Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act regarding executive compensation and national air connectivity levels, among others. Any airline employee furloughed between October 1, 2020, and the time an agreement is reached between the airline and the US government for payroll support will be recalled.
National air connectivity will also be partially restored as airlines receiving aid will be required to maintain service to all of the cities they served before March 1, 2020. The act only specifies cities, however, and not routes so an airline can operate as little as one weekly flight to a city and be within the law.
Those making over $3 million will have their total compensation capped at $3 million, plus 50% of the excess of total compensation received over $3 million.
$15m for airlines with employees not wearing masks but my mom is still dead. Thanks a lot CDCgov AlaskaAir
Will the stimulus be able to purchase some masks for AlaskaAir ‘s flight crew at least