ublic trust of business keeps falling, according to the latest Gallup poll, and over the past few years, this collapse has been most acute among Republicans.
In Big Business, Democrats always had an ally in the culture war. As the rivals of church, tradition, and community, Hollywood, Big Tech, and marketers of all stripes were forces of revolution and “progress.” In the last few years, woke capitalism has revealed itself in perfect clarity. Democrats used this perception to their advantage long past the point when it was true. President Barack Obama said Sen. John McCain was “in the pocket” of Big Oil — all while Obama’s campaign outraised McCain’s from all five oil majors.
TPCarney 'It is the Democratic Party that has mostly focused its governance on the culture wars in recent decades' You used to write pieces of the sort that included actual arguments for claims like this: an understanding that they needed a comprehensive case made for them.
TPCarney Democrats live today to stoke divisions among anyone they can.
TPCarney Tim Carney isn’t particularly smart nor reliable. BTW, Big Business contributes mostly to the Democratic Party, not to Republicans. Look it up.
TPCarney Bolsonaro put things in prospective: Brasil repudiates cancel culture, gender ideology, while enacting strong protection laws for women, families.
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