Commission of Gender Equality is failing us, failing a GBV Epidemic.
Cyril is too busy hustling on the side, his nephew R381 million contracts, he is busy with Phalaphala hustle. If you think he will listen to GBV and do something about then you wasting your time. Cyril synonym is load-shedding, unemployment, dead SOe and that's it.
I hope women don' pin their hopes on Cyril. He sends Momoniat and he doesn' have a single figure of how the fight against GBV is being supported financially GBVFSummit2022 GBVsummit2022
Into esiYaziyo eSouth Africa ukuKhuluma. If talking, holding forums, conferences and forming task teams was all what was needed South Africa would solve the world's problems GBVsummit2022 GBVFSummit2022
Cathy is asking the right question , we don’t want old edited presentation but implementation , capacity is it’s not there NPO’s can be included in programs.