But flying business class is an experience many can only dream of.improved flight experience, right?His business class flight ticket from Bali to Australia did not come with lounge access or in-flight entertainment.
[embed]https://www.tiktok.com/@sherman.leesing/video/7173431328392744194?_r=1&_t=8YMDZAgjdD8&is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7173431328392744[/embed] Instead of being grumpy about the sub-par business class experience, he shared tips to travellers on when not to upgrade your economy class tickets."Mind you, it was not a budget airline yet there were only eight business class seats."Tip number two is to consider flight duration. If it's under six to seven hours, soldier on in economy class. He felt the "extra money" to upgrade your ticket simply isn't worth it.