The poor get poorer this shit needs to be illegal 49.9% 🤬
The centralbank_ie rigid unreasonable regulation of credit unions has created the conditions where these types of businesses can exist in Ireland and it's totally immoral that credit unions are not permitted to facilitate these poor people.
You only need to look at amigoloans twitter feed to see what kind of people they are. The things that they say and tweeting to customers from an iPhone 😏 Arrrseholes!
Low life have come to town
Imported Leeches, just like the Bank Bust.
Great work central bank
More vultures coming in to pick the bones !
Don't touch them with a barge pole. Keep that shower of paracites out of the country. They prey on the vulnerable and offer a quick fix for longterm pain.
They'll take your kidneys if you can't pay.
What kind of a fking govt.would grant them a license.
To be fair no-one is forcing you to take the overpriced loan. If you don't like them, don't use them simple as. It's not the states job to babysit you from yourself.
They'll probably throw a few quid into the trough for Leo and his mates.
mchlspada4a almost 50% should be illegal
We need legislation introduced to ban these ‘legal’ loan sharks from operating in Ireland. The poorest in society will suffer be lured in by their friendly on-your-side advertising BS. 49.9% is indeed extortion.
Won't be long for the Irish version of 'can't pay, we'll take it away '
Yet your local loan shark is illegal....
Borrow €50, miss a payment, suddenly owe €337,659 Thanks but no thanks
I go on hunger strike before I borrow that kind of money with ridiculous interest rate
How are these money lenders even legal. They prey on those vulnerable in our society which huge interest rates. The central bank should ban them especially after March 30 when Britain leaves the EU.
So it's a British bank.
The rich robbing the poor another shameful and shambles decision buy the government
49.9%!!!! How is that going to help people 🤔
If lenders are not able to pursue non-repayers for outstanding debt then there is a risk that we will see more of these kind of predatory lenders ? The risk involved in lending will simply be too high.
They have been here for years already. Crazy rates taking advantage of the weak in society.
Are you advertising for them?
Why weren’t they stopped, now more people will be duped into borrowing and suffer for it more so.
They people should be banned from trading shameful that the government off the day allows them
More vultures circling
Fair play to them if they can get some mugs to take a loan at those rates.
Vultures more like
Disgusting that this is allowed. Targeting desperation and vulnerability. Trapping people who’re already seeing no way out.
Get them out blood sucking fecker ..should never be allowed into the country. regulator and central bank asleep at the wheel again I'm not surprised
So, so wrong! A vacuum of endless debt for the poorest and those who just don’t understand exorbitant interest rates
Disgraceful that's the start of the henchmen knocking on doors and taking people's possession when they cant pay back those outrageous interest rates
Presumably these loan sharks are licensed by the Central Bank.....?
Shit like this shouldn’t be allowed it’s praying on the vulnerable and desperate