— is natural during times of organizational turmoil. But shutting down, avoiding the situation, and feeling sorry for yourself will get you nowhere and only leave you feeling stuck. Instead, embrace change and uncertainty as part of the job description.
Despite the setbacks she faced, Marlow quickly recognized the importance of reducing costs during the downturn and having a laser-like focus on key business areas. Marlow realigned her team’s efforts towards essential operations only. Tabling several innovation projects was a hard decision, but Marlow’s shrewdness caught the eye of senior management, who appreciated her display of strategic prioritization. During turbulent times, everyone is looking for a savior.
“While I understand that major changes might not be possible right now, I wanted to discuss the possibility of revisiting my scope down the road,” she said. “I could take on X responsibilities now, but with a commitment to explore opportunities in the process optimization domain in the future when the market improves.”