When you’re logging in to a Starbucks account, booking an Airbnb or making a reservation on OpenTable, loads of information about you is crunched instantly into a single score, then evaluated along with other personal data to determine if you’re a malicious bot or potentially risky human.
Often, that’s done by a service called Sift, which is used by startups and established companies alike, including Instacart and LinkedIn, to help guard against credit-card and other forms of fraud. More than 16,000 signals inform the “Sift...
mims I referenced, 'Taxi', by Harry Chapin in my Twitter timeline 24 hrs ago. This morning it popped up in the personalized music rotation, Daily Mix, offered in my Spotify acct. I'm wondering what's going to happen after I reference the Lee Trevino line 'even God can't hit a 1 iron.'