responsibility, even if those children aren’t even hers. Like in today’s story, where the author not only had to take care of her boyfriend’s kid their whole 10-day trip, but she was also nearly rejected for an upgrade to business class on the plane as a flight attendant assumed that the kid was hers. Luckily, she was able to explain that he wasn’t and get the much-deserved upgrade, but it didn’t shield her from judgment from the people around her.
When the OP offered to be the one to take such an upgrade, the attendant tried to argue she should stay with herlanding, it became apparent that a few other passengers thought that the woman abandoned her child to sit in business class, where she wasfriends and family members informed her that, in their eyes, she was a jerk for not giving the seat to her ex. while he chilled in business class.
Yet, basically everyone, except the people online, assumed that the kid was hers and judged her for taking the upgrade and abandoning him I am a writer at Bored Panda. I have loved creating and writing down stories about people and things since I was little and I think this passion led me to get degrees in sociology, communication, and journalism.