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Travel took more than an hour over the muddy and cratered highway, further slowed down by thick fog that settled at certain times of the day. We were amply warned to avoid hitting any animal – not even a chicken – else we would pay blood money . I’m sure this was just another stereotype ingrained in the psyche of Mindanaoans across generations of prejudice.
One end of the loom is tied to a post, and the weaver sits on the floor with legs straight in front of her. The other end of the loom is wrapped around her back, allowing her to increase or decrease tension by moving forward or backward. Sixty-five-year-old Saadia S. Abdulrahman confirms that unlike other communities, Meranaw weavers are not constrained to repeating traditional patterns.
The workshop organizers couldn’t have chosen a more qualified resource person than Gomez. A native of Iligan City, he is possibly the only graduate of the Design Center Philippines from Mindanao who is active in the profession and winning awards and recognition for it.